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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mac Daddy on Ebay

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But if it was mac"k" daddy, i bet that would change your mind ;)

Well then it'd be infringement and I think they'd want to avoid that. Then again, all I'd ask out of them is to change that horrid colour job.

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thats surprising, all the warrior sticks ive seenon ebay are going for alot higehr, but there is still time left. is it just me or does that kovalev look like it has a more of a square toe than it did with innos.

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I was eyeing this,but now people know about it and I wont be able to get it for under $100 anymore.I guess ill have to wait for another one.

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just to clarify, is there a rule about posting auctions or no. i recall people being upset that an item they wanted was getting more attention as a result of a post

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just to clarify, is there a rule about posting auctions or no. i recall people being upset that an item they wanted was getting more attention as a result of a post

There is no rule that I know of,but some people do get mad. I really could care less about this,I just would of liked to have it. The curve isnt really too my liking,if it was really a kovalev and not a mismarked Draper,then it would be a different story.

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It wouldn't have stayed low, we don't represent much of who browses eBay even though I do hate it when an auction that's being eyed is posted.

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