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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission skates questions

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I have heard good things about mission skates and I am about to retire my old tacks. I just had a few questions.. (I did a search, but found everything but these..)

1) Somebody told me that they have a new line of skates coming out soon. Should I wait for these or go with the currents?

2) How is the fitting compared to ccm?

Thank ahead of time. If this has already been discussed, please lock this and post a link :)

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2) How is the fitting compared to ccm?

Narrower - much narrower. My 9d in a 1152 equated to a 10ee in a S500.

The arch is a bit higher (in a mission compared to CCM) too and toe box just slightly smaller in the above mentioned fitting.

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I curretly wear a CCM 11E.

Guess that wont work out for me.. Any suggestions on a new skate? I am looking for high end models too, price is not a problem. I liked my CCM's so maybe a protack or something would be nice.. I am looking for a light skate.

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I like my KORs a lot. I'd give those a test drive if you can. Try to get 3-4 skates in them if possible before deciding - they took 2 skates to get used to and by the 3rd or 4th skate I went from liking them to REALLY liking them.

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