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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why iPod?

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old topic, but i just picked up a ceative zen microphoto, is there a way to drag music onto windows media player and have the songs be uploaded to the zen that way? or should i stick to the software they gave me?

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Until it broke recently, I had a Nomad Zen Xtra. Apparently, they were discontinued last year, but they had a program called Nomad Explorer that allowed Drag and Drop from your hard drive to the player; I would assume they have something similar that work with the MicroPhoto.

I found it on Creative's website, but I recall it took a while to locate it.

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big problem boys. I cant get my computer to recognize my mp3 player. When i tried to install service pack 1 whcih it said, it said my serial was invalid. I bought this computer off a buddy 5 years ago, what should i do? reinstall windows?>

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if u want an ipod go for the ipod mini they are so great because they play movies games and music the big prob with the ipods are the money the cost 350$$-200$$ is alot so i would go for an iriver or a sony or maybe a panasonic but if u got the money buy an ipod

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ipod mini they are so great because they play movies games and music

No they dont.


i pod mini SUCK!!!!!!

they have a black and white screen...woaa, exciting

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Why are the iPods so highly regarded?

They are very well marketed, simple as that, easy to use software and look good (because looking good is all that matters) I suggest a creative mp3, you can remove the battery so if it f***s up then they can send you a new one, and since its not apple, you will get alot more for your money. From experience creative has good customer service. And everyone i know with an ipod has had trouble, breaking batteries, freezing screens and a very short life. Unless you have money to burn, do NOT get an ipod.

Totaly disagree.Because if your buying a fifth generation ipod they have longer battery life also if you do have problems theres a one year warranty, used it myself.

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big problem boys. I cant get my computer to recognize my mp3 player. When i tried to install service pack 1 whcih it said, it said my serial was invalid. I bought this computer off a buddy 5 years ago, what should i do? reinstall windows?>

any help?

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