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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Gretz Quote

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"There is absolutely no reason that you need to have an illegal curve stick in this day and age. If you get 70 goals or a defensemen, you get 40 goals like Paul Coffey or Bobby Orr, so be it, but I don't understand. There is no reason for a player in this era to have an illegal stick. It won't happen again on our team. There won't be another illegal stick on our bench."

-- Wayne Gretzky, voicing his displeasure with Paul Mara after the D-man was penalized for using an illegal stick

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A little off topic, but I heard Mickey Redmond talking during a Wings game early in the season about how Gretzky made Saprykin change his curve earlier this year. The crazy part is that the curve Saprykin was using at the time was Mara's. Redmond said something about Gretz not wanting Saprykin using a D-man's stick/curve. I wish I had a direct quote or something. I found it to be really interesting.

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it's because a banana would get the puck up a lot faster but now that we want as many goals as we can i don't see why they don't do away with the rule

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it's because a banana would get the puck up a lot faster but now that we want as many goals as we can i don't see why they don't do away with the rule

thats a good point, if they want more goals, let them use bananna curves!

wasnt that one of the points of the new nhl? more goals?

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Has anyone got a pic of an illegal curve? Is it all based on the size of the curve? not how open the blade is, length or anything like that? Personally i use a shorter blade closed face with little curve! Can't use banana curves.

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Has anyone got a pic of an illegal curve? Is it all based on the size of the curve? not how open the blade is, length or anything like that? Personally i use a shorter blade closed face with little curve! Can't use banana curves.


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