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Bodychecking Muscles

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Alright, here's something I've been thinking quite a lot recently. What are the main muscle groups for bodychecking? I know shoulder and core muscles come to play but I feel that chest muscles also contribute to this.

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Actually most of the drive would come from your legs, no?

thats what i was thinking. if you are pushing upwards with your leg muscles, then that area is probably the main muscles used.

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Think of it this way. When you see someone who has their head and they get rocked and fall, where did they go wrong? It'd be the legs that you'd need to get your power from. Shoulder's dont' really have much of an impact, as alls you do is drop them when you hit.

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imo, most of it comes from the quads, it helps you explode into your hit. for me, upperbody doesn't really contribute in a bodycheck, because you would either just be pushing someone or punching them.

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obviously it's from the legs. after that its just the muscles that transfer the power from the legs up through to your shoulder (abs, obliques, back, traps etc.)

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obviously it's from the legs. after that its just the muscles that transfer the power from the legs up through to your shoulder (abs, obliques, back, traps etc.)

just after reading that, i was thinking... aren't power cleans the exact same as a powercheck? you explode through your entire body with the force ending around your shoulders. would be a good exercise for you bulletjet64

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its your core which is your abs, and your legs. upper body means nothing. look for example at martin halat, i saw him this summer, biggest legs ive seen, smaller upper body than me and thats small

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obviously it's from the legs. after that its just the muscles that transfer the power from the legs up through to your shoulder (abs, obliques, back, traps etc.)

just after reading that, i was thinking... aren't power cleans the exact same as a powercheck? you explode through your entire body with the force ending around your shoulders. would be a good exercise for you bulletjet64

yes indeed, thats a great one.

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I would have thought its alot to do with balance and positioning. But i would say the thighs and calfs and i push into a check so the momentum is in their direction. abs and shoulders so you keeps a constant position when following through the check

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