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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick should i use?

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I kinda have a problem. There are only ten games left in the season. I dont know what stick i should use for the rest of the year because i might want to save some for next season.

Anyway, i have an Easton Synergy Si-Core grip with little toe damage and paint has been shipped of the lower part of the shaft. 85 flex, modono curve.

I also have a Mission L2 shaft with with a TPS R2 blade in it. Im not gonna lie, this is the lightest stick i have ever had and i recomend this combination. also an 85 flex, Tkachuk curve. Supper light.

I also have a CCM vector v-120. very nice stick but has taken alot of blade damage and little shaft damage. 100 flex, stuart curve.

Heres a problem. I just got a Bauer Vapor XX in the mail. It's brand new, uncut. 87 flex. Hossa Curve.

Anyway, should i wait and use my XX next year or should i cut it with only ten games left and play with it. Or should i use my other sticks???? let me know.

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There your sticks, so you can do whatever you want. If the season is winding down and you r having a good season with the stick your currently using I wouldn't change sticks midway. If your experiancing a crap season then I don't see why it would hurt to tinker.

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I get the notion that your still growing since you mentioned cutting it.... (wouldn't make any difference if you cut it now or later otherwise)

If your growing keep it, if your not growing cut it and play with it so just incase it's a dude you still have the 30day warranty.

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use the vapor in practice and see if you like the curve, but if you have troubles with it, switch back to the stick you like the most.

The XX is the same curve as his other sticks...

I would use it, but that's just me. I like to use all of my sticks.

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