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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Warranty Process

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Hi all,

I'm about to enter the Graf warranty zone as the outsoles of my one-month-old G3s are de-laminating already. I'd be grateful if anyone (customers and shop owners/employees) on this board who has experienced the return process with Graf would share.


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Graf warranty department sucks. My lhs sent my pair of broken 2 week old Cobra lite blades (perforated) to graf for replacement in the first week of november, and I am still waiting for my replacement steel. If you send your skates in for warranty, make sure you have an extra pair of skates to wear because you may not see your G3s for awhile.

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Graf warranty department sucks. My lhs sent my pair of broken 2 week old Cobra lite blades (perforated) to graf for replacement in the first week of november, and I am still waiting for my replacement steel. If you send your skates in for warranty, make sure you have an extra pair of skates to wear because you may not see your G3s for awhile.

everything with Graf has been super slow lately, its taken 5months for me to get my custom skates.....they apparently are extremely, "backed up" with work

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have your LHS send the skates in for you and make sure you have your bill and within the 90 day period because if you dont your lhs may charge you for shipping them to graf because unlike the big companies graf doesnt pay for the shipping it has to be pre-paid shipping.

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I have heard from lots of guys about problems with Graf when it came to honouring their warranty or unreasonable time periods for repairs to defective skates. This is one of the reasons I will not buy their products other than the fact I feel they are grossly overpriced although this is just my personal opinion. I get just as good a product from the other big skate manufacturer and have a wide variety of price ranges to choose from and find it easier to get parts or replacement if it is necessary.

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Graf warranty department sucks.  My lhs sent my pair of broken 2 week old Cobra lite blades (perforated) to graf for replacement in the first week of november, and I am still waiting for my replacement steel.  If you send your skates in for warranty, make sure you have an extra pair of skates to wear because you may not see your G3s for awhile.

everything with Graf has been super slow lately, its taken 5months for me to get my custom skates.....they apparently are extremely, "backed up" with work

my buddy ordered customs in september, got them in january, dont knwo if its beacuse its the US, but nonetheless

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I can understand there being time delays for custom products since it all depends upon how many orders are in line ahead of yours, but there shouldn't be any significant delay in a warranty claim on a retail skate.

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A guy on my team had a rip in between the lace holes, he got his replaced with a newer model skate for no cost, the lhs just sent pics to them and he had his new skates within the week, seems pretty good to me!

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Wow. I can only hope that my experience is going to be the execption. I can already see the outsole de-laminating. I knew going in that was a problem when the skate first came out, but I thought it had been remedied (skates without the perf. blade were supposed to be o.k., or so I had heard).

I'll just see if my lhs will team up with me to get it done.

Thanks for all responses!

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I hope you have good luck with them. Post us later and let us know how it turned out.

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