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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit

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7.5E would be my correct size in CCM Vectors (althought the ones I have are 8.5Ds) and when I tried on Mission S500s I could squeeze into an 8.5EE very snugly...the 9EE had more room, but was still pretty snug. If you're correctly fitted into the 10D missions and they're as snug as possible without hurting your feet then a 9 would probably be the right size in the CCM Vectors as the website suggests. The 8.5's would probably be too short unless you had them stretched.

Obviously the best way to find out would be to go into a store and try on some Vectors. Recently I've seen boxes of Vector 6.0's and 7.0s lying stacked up at local Sport Checks so you can try some on without even bothering a sales person (if you don't plan on buying them there and don't wan to waste their time). Even if you're looking at the Vector Pros the lower models should give you a pretty good idea of the fit.

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I wear an 11 1/2 street shoe, as well. I recently bought some CCM Tacks in 9 1/2. I didn't try 9's on, but I think my toe probably would have touched the end of the boot. Some of the fit guides recommend that your toe 'feather' the toe cap. So, in that case, CCM's guide may be accurate. I think 8 1/2's would crunch your toes.

I used to wear 10's in Bauer's. Never tried Mission's on.

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missons also size differently than other skates like i tried on a size 6 mission at the show in boston and it fit me fine, i also wear a 5.5 in the grafs but i could wear a 5 though

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I wear an 8.5 skate in Missions but in CCM I can fit into a size 7. Missions are sized closer to your actual street shoe size. CCM's recommend one to one and a half sizes smaller than your street shoe size. Both skates I wear are also E width skates. Don't buy a CCM skate without actually trying on and sizing the actual skate you want to wear. Make sure especially if you are buying from an equipment dealer on the net. It can sometimes lead to no end of headaches if you get the wrong skate size.

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