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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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harrow hckey sticks

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i did a searchand couldnt find my information needed, so....

i was wanting to buy an all white harrow stick or shaft.

i currently use a sakic curve, do they make a sakic clone?

and if so where can i find one to buy? do any online shops carry them?

i looked on harrows website, but since christian bought them or vice versa, they didnt have the stick i wanted.

i saw an all white shaft in cincinnati, but i cant find them online or anywhere else. someone please help.

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i did a searchand couldnt find my information needed, so....

i was wanting to buy an all  white harrow stick or shaft.

i currently use a sakic curve, do they make a sakic clone?

and if so where can i find one to buy? do any online shops carry them?

i looked on harrows website, but since christian bought them or vice versa, they didnt have the stick i wanted.

i saw an all white shaft in cincinnati, but i cant find them online or anywhere else. someone please help.

The all white shaft is in older model (like '04) They are really hard to get a hold of, but the saber is pretty much the same stick. One of the guys I play with has a custom red stick. I personally play with a saber and I love it.

I bought mine locally because my LSH is an official dealer. In fact, I got a really good deal on it because they are being disconntinued this year to make room for the new christian sticks. They have a good spread of curves and im sure you could find one close. I found my Coffey curve with a little help with their number system online.

Great stick by the way.. I wouldnt give mine up for any other stick on the market.

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where are you located?

does your lhs have a website?

what color is the sabre?

i hope when i go back to cincinnati that they have some left because ireally want one. unless if somneone here helps me locate one online!

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I'm located in Utah. The shop is called Crazy Canuck. I can give you their number and I bet you that they would ship it..

Mine is all black with yellow/white graphics. Its a semi-grip stick (non tacky).

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Thats where I saw the all white stick. I dont know if they still have it in stock. They dont have a website :(

You can order directly from Harrow

Their prices are going to be VERY close to retail/online..

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i did a searchand couldnt find my information needed, so....

i was wanting to buy an all  white harrow stick or shaft.

i currently use a sakic curve, do they make a sakic clone?

and if so where can i find one to buy? do any online shops carry them?

i looked on harrows website, but since christian bought them or vice versa, they didnt have the stick i wanted.

i saw an all white shaft in cincinnati, but i cant find them online or anywhere else. someone please help.

The all white shaft is in older model (like '04) They are really hard to get a hold of, but the saber is pretty much the same stick. One of the guys I play with has a custom red stick. I personally play with a saber and I love it.

I bought mine locally because my LSH is an official dealer. In fact, I got a really good deal on it because they are being disconntinued this year to make room for the new christian sticks. They have a good spread of curves and im sure you could find one close. I found my Coffey curve with a little help with their number system online.

Great stick by the way.. I wouldnt give mine up for any other stick on the market.


could you get your backhands off the ground with that banana :lol:

every1 likes something different tho i guess

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hahaha.. it is a bannana! Sometimes I wonder because it feels like its so curved that the middle of the blade would be higher than the puck on a backhand :D

But I love my wrist shots and was raised on a coffey curve :) I love the speed of my wristers with it :)

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But I love my wrist shots and was raised on a coffey curve :) I love the speed of my wristers with it :)

That's child abuse :P

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i did a searchand couldnt find my information needed, so....

i was wanting to buy an all white harrow stick or shaft.

i currently use a sakic curve, do they make a sakic clone?

and if so where can i find one to buy? do any online shops carry them?

i looked on harrows website, but since christian bought them or vice versa, they didnt have the stick i wanted.

i saw an all white shaft in cincinnati, but i cant find them online or anywhere else. someone please help.

If you are RH, there are still quite a few of the 2004 model Christian Torch (white one-piece...same as the Harrow V-2) sticks available. Call Christian at 1-800-346-5055 and somebody can refer you to a local dealer.

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