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Cages For Reebok Helmet's

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What cages fit these helmets the best for a junior aged pllayer. I have tried two different jofa cages but they dont fit properley because of the width of the helmet.

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What cages fit these helmets the best for a junior aged pllayer. I have tried two different jofa cages but they dont fit properley because of the width of the helmet.

I'm not sure if Itech's FX-50 is acceptable for junior aged and stuff. But I've got one on my 8k and it fits without any problem. Its not a full cage, but I like the half and half.

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The jofas didn't fit okay? I have used Bauer and Jofa cages with mine with no problem. Is the helmet just too wide or what?

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I use the Jofa FM 480 cage on my Reebok 8k helmet. I had to open it up a little on the sides but it fits just fine. I think the 8K is a slightly wider helmet so you need to bend it slightly and it will fit just great. I use the J hooks as well. The last thing you want is someone driving the cage into the bottom of your jaw so its a good idea to have them. I love the Jofa cage for its great field of vision and if the helmet wasn't so rounded and weird looking I'd use the 690 helmet as well. It's still got to be one of the lightest and protective helmets on the market. ;)

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I've put a lot of Bauer cages on them, they fit well. Keep in mind, in April the new RBK cages will be available.

What size Bauer cage would I need a for a Large RBK 8K helmet ?

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I've put a lot of Bauer cages on them, they fit well.  Keep in mind, in April the new RBK cages will be available.

What size Bauer cage would I need a for a Large RBK 8K helmet ?

Depends on the size of your face. What size cage do you normally wear? You should be able to fit whatever size you need onto the RBK helmet.

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I've put a lot of Bauer cages on them, they fit well.  Keep in mind, in April the new RBK cages will be available.

What size Bauer cage would I need a for a Large RBK 8K helmet ?

Depends on the size of your face. What size cage do you normally wear? You should be able to fit whatever size you need onto the RBK helmet.

I have never worn a cage before , but I cracked my jaw with a deflected puck,

so now the doctor told me to wear a cage.

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