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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for new skates

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I am a smaller speedy forward playing midget aaa hockey and is looking for some new skates. I have always worn ccm but my vectors have been falling apart to easily so im looking for something else. I have tried on a pair of grafs and found that they were really comfortable but didnt like the feel that my ankle could move to freely. If there is another model that has more support i would really be interested in that. IF not ide like to hear some suggestionis that could really help me out alot. Also i have a fair wide foot and have a fairly high arch.

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I'd recommend you go to your LHS and try on a few pairs of skates to see which skate best suites your foot shape.

However, I do recommend the rbk 9k's. Excellent skate, lots of support in the ankle area (due to the pump), and extremely comfy.

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If you liked the feel of the Grafs, see if you can find some 709s. They're taller and stiffer than most other Graf models and should still fit your arch well.

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If you can find Kor Shift 1's in stock in your area and can take advantage of the Test Drive program I'd recommend it. The skates don't work for everyone, but I really like mine and you'll see plenty of positive comments on the skates here (they won the 2005 skate of the year award on the site). Just search for "shift1" and you should be able to read what others have said.

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You could give the Nike Flexlite 12 a try. They're very light, very comfy and offer pretty good support. I have those and would not change for anything else. Plus the prices are goign down on them, since Nike has their new models coming out. You could also give the new synergys a try. But, if you're ready to pay some big money, try to get the NB one90.

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If you can find Kor Shift 1's in stock in your area and can take advantage of the Test Drive program I'd recommend it. The skates don't work for everyone, but I really like mine and you'll see plenty of positive comments on the skates here (they won the 2005 skate of the year award on the site). Just search for "shift1" and you should be able to read what others have said.

If he doesn't like the lower cut of whatever Graf he tried, chances are the Shift 1 will not feel high enough either. The shift 2, due out this spring would probably feel better to him.

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If you can find Kor Shift 1's in stock in your area and can take advantage of the Test Drive program I'd recommend it. The skates don't work for everyone, but I really like mine and you'll see plenty of positive comments on the skates here (they won the 2005 skate of the year award on the site).  Just search for "shift1" and you should be able to read what others have said.

If he doesn't like the lower cut of whatever Graf he tried, chances are the Shift 1 will not feel high enough either. The shift 2, due out this spring would probably feel better to him.

Spring? I was told Sept.

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If you can find Kor Shift 1's in stock in your area and can take advantage of the Test Drive program I'd recommend it. The skates don't work for everyone, but I really like mine and you'll see plenty of positive comments on the skates here (they won the 2005 skate of the year award on the site).  Just search for "shift1" and you should be able to read what others have said.

If he doesn't like the lower cut of whatever Graf he tried, chances are the Shift 1 will not feel high enough either. The shift 2, due out this spring would probably feel better to him.

Spring? I was told Sept.

Ouch. I thought they said mid-late Summer but I was just giving the usual "spring" reposnse.

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