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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm to easton

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I currently use a ccm recchi curve, I want an easton SL grip but can't decide what curve to go with the forsberg and sakic are like the recchi but the sakic seems more open,and forsberg alittle more closed, which should I go with?

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Nothing in Easton matches up exactly with the Recchi but you shoulden't have much trouble switching to an Iginla except for the .5 higher lie.

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I currently use a ccm recchi curve, I want an easton SL grip but can't decide what curve to go with the forsberg and sakic are like the recchi but the sakic seems more open,and forsberg alittle more closed, which should I go with?

For god's sake, pick another stick other than the SL. Worse durability of them all. Unless you are rich and don't care about breakage.

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I currently use a ccm recchi curve, I want an easton SL grip but can't decide what curve to go with the forsberg and sakic are like the recchi but the sakic seems more open,and forsberg alittle more closed, which should I go with?

For god's sake, pick another stick other than the SL. Worse durability of them all. Unless you are rich and don't care about breakage.

msh stick of the year

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I currently use a ccm recchi curve, I want an easton SL grip but can't decide what curve to go with the forsberg and sakic are like the recchi but the sakic seems more open,and forsberg alittle more closed, which should I go with?

For god's sake, pick another stick other than the SL. Worse durability of them all. Unless you are rich and don't care about breakage.

msh stick of the year

So, what does that have to do with anything?. Stick of the year for performance? Certainly not for durability? Inquiring minds want to know.

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I currently use a ccm recchi curve, I want an easton SL grip but can't decide what curve to go with the forsberg and sakic are like the recchi but the sakic seems more open,and forsberg alittle more closed, which should I go with?

For god's sake, pick another stick other than the SL. Worse durability of them all. Unless you are rich and don't care about breakage.

msh stick of the year

The durability still sucks, just goes to show the results weren't skewed by the mods.

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SL, absolutely the biggest waste of money ever on a stick for me. Mine lasted 1 practice and 1 game and broke when I stick checked another player's stick. I chopped it in half per the Easton rep paid the $10 to send it back for a warranty replacement. Now I have a nice SL warranty replacement stick that now cost me $180 sits on the bench as a backup in case my TPS XN10 Red Lite shaft with a Easton Drury blade breaks.

honestly save your money and get a 2 piece. That way if the Easton blade breaks you're only out $50. Also, the SL felt like hitting a piece of metal against a rock when the puck hit it. Total crap!

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it does require some hands to use you know irbenaide ;) just kidding..the reason why i can see the sl being stick of the year is becuase all 1 peice are basically not durable and it had the best preformance

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it does require some hands to use you know irbenaide ;) just kidding..the reason why i can see the sl being stick of the year is becuase all 1 peice are basically not durable and it had the best preformance

The performance is no better than the top end sticks from other manufacturers.

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shagel..... Hands would help lol! Seriously, I just didn't like the feel of it compared to the TPS Xn10 that I had and definitely not the XN10 Red Lite shaft that I now have. I'll take TPS anyday over that. The Easton blades are awesome though.

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