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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike apollo OPS 87

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haha thanx chris by the way did u order a TI cage with ur intake or not, what color did u get

No problem Chris ;) , No are you Crazy lol? Im not spending 150.00 on a ti cage....Im very happy with my 480 cage....

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i just got an apollo 102 flex in lemieux, the weight/balance etc seems pretty similar to my inno (it was an 1100 prostock). i think inno made nike's sticks (composite ones), and the weave of the blade carbon fiber is almost identical to the inno blades i've seen, so they should be very similar

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pldhockey4 was the first guy i've ever put down the apollo so I guess that says something about it

I think Buzz_Lightbeer was or still is in love with the Apollos

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pldhockey4 was the first guy i've ever put down the apollo so I guess that says something about it

I think Buzz_Lightbeer was or still is in love with the Apollos

yeah, most people i know love it, i guess its my pp.

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Also i hear the shaft is a tank but some people don't like the colour scheme and/or the weight of the stick. Personally I love those colours and I don't think it's heavy at all but thats once again PP

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its a good stick, very durable, good feel (imho)

i just didnt like the curve on the one i had, otherwise i would have kept it...

actual weight is about 490g uncut, not far off the real weight of a synergy...

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i have a 2 piece set up, apollo shaft with apollo blade. it's my favourite stick of all the ones i own!

personally, i find the weight just right, and i love the feel. if i could find an ops in my flex/curve i'd so pick it up.

if anyone ever has a Left PT3 87 flex pm me! :D

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