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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Running before a game

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Today my gym teacher just freaked out on us when we were playing soccer, nobody was actually playing everyone just stood by the nets chatting to their goalies while a few guys were acutually trying to play the game. So anyways he feels that we need to appreciate sports more so he is forcing us to do track for tommorw. I dont mind running because I could use the cardio benfits but what really sucks is that I have a game 6 hours later after gym class. He is planning on having us do 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters,400 meters and the 1500 meters. This is a lot of running for someone like me that completely hates track. So will this affect my performance by game time? What could I do so my body is 100% and ready to go by game time? Should I have a bottle of Gatordae/Powerrade after gym so my body replenishes the electrolytes or is my body going to make a full recovery during the 6 hour time period of rest.

Oh yeah by the way I dont get a chance to sleep after gym class.



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honestly if i was you i wouldnt give this running my all,just take it easy make it look like your running hard. dont slack off to much of youll teacher will know. just take it easy the like you said drink a gatorade or two, or maybe even an energy drink before your game. also after gym just relax and try to get some energy back. if you do all that you should be fine before game time.

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i'm not sure if skating is similar to running in terms of making you tired, but when i had tryouts, i had 3 in one day, and it seemed like i had more energy for the second tryout and even by the third, i wasn't too tired. My legs were a little sore but it didn't affect my performance at all. maybe, before your game, you do a little bit of a warm up, just to get your muscles loosened up and make sure your legs aren't stiff (i know mine are after i run). Getting fluids back into your system is also important, so make sure you drink enough of water/gatorade/powerade

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i'm not sure if skating is similar to running in terms of making you tired, but when i had tryouts, i had 3 in one day, and it seemed like i had more energy for the second tryout and even by the third, i wasn't too tired. My legs were a little sore but it didn't affect my performance at all. maybe, before your game, you do a little bit of a warm up, just to get your muscles loosened up and make sure your legs aren't stiff (i know mine are after i run). Getting fluids back into your system is also important, so make sure you drink enough of water/gatorade/powerade

Could water be a cheap alternative to Gatorade/Powerade? Will it work just as well or should I look into getting one of those?

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As long as you don't kill yourself after you may feel even better. Whenever I have 2 skates in a day the second always feels better. If you have 6 hours in between where you can rest for most of the time, take it as a warm up. Or, if it's an option, just don't do the running at all. That is a hell of a lot of running to do within a couple hours. Not many people can run long distance (400 m +). The idea to do this is actually pointless.

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Could water be a cheap alternative to Gatorade/Powerade? Will it work just as well or should I look into getting one of those?

IMO, gatorad/powerade helps a bit, but its not necessary. to me the electrolytes and carbs in sports drinks is just a bit of a bonus, but water and a snack works well

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in gym class i once played floor hockey, and this was half ass but still broke a sweat cuz it was hot...played one of the worst games of my life.

Get your parents to write youa note to get out like last night you hurt your knee in hockey

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Iam not skipping cause it would be pretty obvious, 6 hours of rest will proablly do but if not ill take it like a man and play a bad game. I want to keep my integrity. This sucks cuz i was acutally playing soccer not like those cheer picking retards that dont have any serious sports to participate in so they dont suffer.

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Use it to your advantage; dont go hard in track, cuz you're not gonna fail gym cuz you slacked it one day cuz you had a game later. Definitely use it as an opprtunity to warm up and stretch a bunch so you're limber for the game. think of it as a pre-pre-pre warmup for your game...

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Just use it as a warm up, but don't slack off too much. It's not really that far to be running, and with a 6 hour rest you should be fine.

A friend of mine went on a tour in Finland before Christmas, they played the local Junior A team who were made to go on a 3 mile run before the game as a warm up! So it can't be too bad.

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My team always goes for a run 1 hour before the game.

We use this run as a warm up.

We finished 2nd overall in the Elite level of Belgium (I know it's small) so it wouldn't hurt you too much.

It's actually nice because it evacuates a little bit of the unnecessary tension you might have.


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This reply may be too late, but I'll put it up for future reference. 6 hours is enough time to be back in really good shape. During the run, get a lot of fluids in you. Heat and dehydration leads to exhaustion and exhaustion takes a long time to recover from. Keep out of the sun, keep cool, and keep drinking. After the run, when your leg muscles are still red hot, stretch them to avoid delayed soreness. Elasticity in your muscles is highest when warm, so you get a deeper stretch, less tension, and longer muscles. As soon as the run's over, refuel on complex carbs so you have glucose stored up for the game. No one will be able to tell you ran around the world.

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As long as you give it only moderate effort, drink lots of water, eat something afterward, this should be an excellent warmup. Stretch afterward so your muscles do not tighten up later.

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i'm not sure if skating is similar to running in terms of making you tired, but when i had tryouts, i had 3 in one day, and it seemed like i had more energy for the second tryout and even by the third, i wasn't too tired. My legs were a little sore but it didn't affect my performance at all. maybe, before your game, you do a little bit of a warm up, just to get your muscles loosened up and make sure your legs aren't stiff (i know mine are after i run). Getting fluids back into your system is also important, so make sure you drink enough of water/gatorade/powerade

three in one day and u still didn't make it kelvin!!! :lol:

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This just isn't that much running. What is it... 8-9 minutes of run time at the very most. If you're really worried about it, I'd take the 1500 meters very light or try and get out of it. The rest shouldn't affect you at all.

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