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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Has Been Good To Me

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I broke my ST Grip, so I sent it to Easton. I tracked my shipment and it arrived last Thursday. I called them today only to be put on hold 3 times, which kind of bummed me out. I decided to finally call again and this time I talked to someone. I told them my situation and told me that they are out of stock of ST Grips. He then told me that they will send a SL Grip instead. They shipped it out today and guarenteed it to be here Friday.

Now I know the SL has some durability issues. These forums have told me that and I have expirenced it with my team mates. Do you think if I broke the SL they would give me a replacement? I mean they should because they never gave me a ST replacement. What are your thoughts on this?

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actually for a stealth i asked for an sl, they sent me a stealth, i called, said youd send an SL, got the SL, they paid for me to send back the stealth. then i broke the SL after 2 skates, and called them and they send to send it back and they gave me a new one, which i also broke in a day but was too lazy to call for a new one. plu si was in love with the ST at the time, just broke that ugh but ya, if you broke it in say a week theyll give you a new one

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I sent back a Stealth Grip about a month and a half ago and still have not recieved a replacement...

Should I call and see what's up or would I be wasting my time? I don't have the RA# lying around anywhere so would they be able to remember my case?

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here's my story. send in a 04 grip ask for an 05 st grip get a non grip st. call them back and they correct the problem. first time i used the st grip it broke. i had it less than a week. called them up and told them and aksed if i could get a synthesis instead. they said yes. i hated it and finally sold it and the other 04 grip i had and got inno.

one thing i hate about talking to someone at these companies about a warrenty issuse is you never getthe same person twice. and each person tells you something different.

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I sent back a Stealth Grip about a month and a half ago and still have not recieved a replacement...

Should I call and see what's up or would I be wasting my time? I don't have the RA# lying around anywhere so would they be able to remember my case?

They may have determined that your stick didn't fall under the warranty after looking at it.

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has anyone ever sent a stick into easton and it didnt fall under the warranty? i mean i know kids who have sent in sticks with a very minor crack (looked even like a skate cut on the blade) and they recieved a new stick in the mail two weeks later. just kinda my expierience, but i have never seen anyone not get a stick sent back to them.

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I sent in my SL after a couple of weeks and after an easy phone call and quick shipping it was all taken care of. It actually only took about a week for me to get my replacement. I called up and asked them when it was gonna be shipped back and they said it would arrive that afternoon! I was suprised how quickly it got back to me and I'm still using my replacement. I only use easton and have never had an issue, i think the best thing to do is keep in touch with them when sending stuff.

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here's a trick to get your stick back faster. call them up a give them a tracking # and they should be able to get your stick out that day or the next. it worked for me.

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Well, I broke my SL yesterday.

I called Easton and was not put on hold (surprisingly). I told them my story and how I was unhappy with thier sticks. They told me since they didn't send me a ST to replace my original one, they are sending me a new 06 ST!

I give Easton's customers service kudos for doing this. I am very happy with thier support. I just wish their sticks could be more durable!!!

On top of sending me the new ST, they guaranteed it to be here by Tuesday at the latest. Easton sure knows how to take care of thier customers.

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