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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skated Today.

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I broke my ankle sliding into the boards on Nov. 30, 2005. I spent 6 weeks in a non-weight bearing cast. I've been out of it for just a day less than 3 weeks.

Today I skated for 7 minutes.

Seven minutes today, maybe 10 minutes next time ...

I go back to the fracture clinic on the 23rd of this month. If I get the go ahead I'll be able to play the last month of the season.

Anyone care to share their experiences returning to the game after rehab?

I felt a little strange on the ice; really excited but nervous as well.

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not near as bad as your story but early this season i sprained my ankle went to the hospital then said no hockey for at least 2 weeks so thats alright i was going to phyiso 3 times a week actually skated before the 2 weeks was up just light skating at practice felt really weird but as the practice went on it felt better. so the 2 weeks was up and i tryed playing not expecting much. i took warm up felt OK but everyone said i didnt look quite ready like i was hesitant(sp?) so i played a total of 27 second thats game, in the game i could really tell it wasnt all there yet. so i continued the physio and the next week i tryed it agian felt great play till about half way thru the second but then i just tweaked it a bit and felt some pain so decided to not risk it and just sat the rest of that game.

long story short after that game i felt great and have had no problems with it what so ever since.

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I broke my ankle sliding into the boards on Nov. 30, 2005. I spent 6 weeks in a non-weight bearing cast. I've been out of it for just a day less than 3 weeks.

Today I skated for 7 minutes.

Seven minutes today, maybe 10 minutes next time ...

I go back to the fracture clinic on the 23rd of this month. If I get the go ahead I'll be able to play the last month of the season.

Anyone care to share their experiences returning to the game after rehab?

I felt a little strange on the ice; really excited but nervous as well.

good to se you get back so quick

keep it up

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Dislocated my right knee back in January of last year. I didn't start LIGHT skating until March, and then started full skating, competively, in April. I was doing rehab three times a week, and I still have problems with the knee. I redislocated it in December, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the first time. I was on crutches for a few days, back on the ice next week. My knee popped out, and then before I hit the ice, it was popped back in again so that's the reason it wasn't as bad. I have very bad knees for my age (15.). <_<

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Broke my ankle 3 miles up into a hike. Hockey was done for about 3 months. It was hell having to wait. I remember going to watch my friends play and just have to sit there. Tougher than skating on it was just getting my foot into my skate... I think it took about two weeks to get back into actually playing. Even after I was able to start playing again I had to be very very careful or I would get a shooting pain. Probably after 6 months I was 100% but I could still "pop" my ankle (like popping my knuckles) for the next couple years. Now, years later, my ankle does not bother me.

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I broke my leg a long time ago, i was in a cast from the begging of sept to the middle of nov. I had to go to physical therapy for it. i got back on my skates in late dec. trust me dont rush it. a buddy of mine did and had to stop hockey all together because he hurt it so bad. do all the exercises they tell you to and make sure to ice it all the time.

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broke my femur in january..i was in a hip spika cast for 6 weeks and then it was taken off..i started roller hockey on my driveway 2 weeks later and weightlifting a month after that..my leg is a little weeker then it was b4 but no pain or anything

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I broke my leg, just above the ankle, in late Nov 2004. I also slid into the boards; I was hooked after scoring a goal.

Got a plate and screws put in, and returned to the ice in the 1st week of Jan 2005. I got lots of good rehab with a physiotherapist to restore range-of-motion and stability. On the ice, the skate helped with the stability, but my calf was very weak.

Removed the plate and screws in May 2005, returned to the ice and to training mid June 2005.

If you have access to physio, my advice would be stick through the pain and drudgery of it because it really affects whether you will regain your stability and range-of-motion.

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I broke my ankle a few years ago, and I was in some sort of fibreglass cast for about 5 weeks. I came out, had no strength in it and no rehab. I'd suggest getting a tensor band, wearing it for games, but practicing without it. Other than that, push as much as you can without going to far and judge where you are at. Continue trying to improve strength, get some rehab ideas and do whatever you can to get the strength back, because a lack of strength in that one ankle will hurt your stride.

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I broke my arm, near the elbow, on a fall. I was transitioning from forward skating to the backwards position. After a 6 week down time, the first time on the ice was exciting and strange. It took me a few week's time to not be spooked during my skating transitions. It also helped that I fell again shortly after returning to the ice, but didn't break anything. The courage came back.

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I broke my scaphoid bone in December, went to the ER and they said it was just bruised, a few weeks later it still hurt so we went to the family doctor, he looked at it for about 10 minutes and told me I needed a cast. I was in a cast for 6 weeks (still playing hockey) but it didnt heal, so i needed a bone graft that took me out for 3 months. I got the last cast off 2 weeks before tryouts started and had to wear a brace. When I came back I had to work on my shot, it felt wierd, and was also very cautious that it didnt happen again. I was in that cast for a total of 22weeks!

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I remember when I got my cast off. The nurse told me not to take any steps until the doctor could come in and look at my ankle. I, being stupid, ignored her, put my good foot down from the bench and moved my other leg forward. My foot literally slid out from under me and left a disgusting trail of dead skin! Not to mention my leg did not have the muscle power to stand on it's own. I did 4 months of physical therapy to get it back.

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I shattered my ankle April 04 mountain biking (that’s a story in itself). The doctors had to remove a part of my hip to rebuild my ankle. I had the whole external jig set up to promote bone growth because I lost 2 cm in leg length. I have a permanent plate to secure my ankle together. Everybody has different recovery times, I started walking in September and resumed skating in November 04 without much discomfort. I now have arthritis in that ankle and am extremely sensitive to barometric pressure ie: I can predict rain. In retrospect, I should have waited longer because scar tissue developed and encased my Achilles tendon. I’m still undergoing ultrasound therapy to remove it. If that doesn’t work, I’m going under the knife to have it removed.

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