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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Valentines day

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I'm one of the "lucky" ones. My wife's birthday was the 5th. I bought her her own I-pod Nano (4gb) for her birthday and already gave her 1 big box of Russel Stover. I'll see if I can get another box tonight. We have plans to go out as soon as I get off of work tonight to see if we can beat the rush. We're planning to go to Outback, nothing says I Love You like steak! Then we'll get home and if we're not too old and tired we'll spend some "quality" time together.

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it sucks...cuz I actually felt a lot for her....f*cker!! ehh can't wait till the summer time though....by then i think i can get her back....

I'm with Warrior here. Get her back, revenge is a dish best served inside a close friend/sister of hers.

That sounds like the best advice Buzz ever gave me; "Stick it in her best friend." Of course it wasn't topical to any of my problems, but I still haven't forgotten it.

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I think you're what, 13? Don't worry about that crap yet because it's not worth the effort at this point.

And Sigur Ros has again proven to be WD-40 for panties.

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