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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MIA's business practices

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JR I sure you are much more aware than I am its just I wish something could be done between LHS and Mia to help promote a comapny with values. If I am misinformed about the sitiuation or looking at it with beer colured glasses please let me know? I always like to hear both sides.

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hurricane you totally missed my point..

I equated the MIA setup with other facets..

ie. you can buy stock MIA in store but order custom through the factory..

ie. you can buy stock XX in the store but custom through NBH..

another point you forget is that most of the online shops have a retail front along with a warehouse...HG's 3 main stores are all 17000sft or larger..plus a 55,000 square foot warehouse and corporate setup in Carlsbad...its not some mom and pop out of a big garage...there's a lot of overhead..

but in the end the guys at HG who do the buy are bright for the most part on their buying, have a concept of how long each item should last in inventory ,etc..its not just "hey that looks cool" let's get some..

not all the companies love the online stores anyway..trust me..

Im sorry I may of misunderstood ,I was just trying to make the point that any business would do what they had to do to increase or stay in business. So 10 years from now NBH could be doing the same thing as MIA.

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Well, hello, Eagle makes more gloves than MIA...

And...? What's your point? They just have to get more workers if they want to deliver on time!

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Well, hello, Eagle makes more gloves than MIA...

And...? What's your point? They just have to get more workers if they want to deliver on time!

Funny that you mention a lack of workers. I know more about the situation that you think I do. That being said, I will close this thread.

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about the MIA's direct selling, i know one store in my are that carries them, and at least 50 people who are willing to buy them simply because they arent SO adamant about getting "custom" gloves as they are about gettin nice, high end gloves right on the spot

i think stores selling MIAs can actually be profitable sometimes with the players that dont want to go order online and deal with a guy over the phone

many people would rather deal with their LHS

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about the MIA's direct selling, i know one store in my are that carries them, and at least 50 people who are willing to buy them simply because they arent SO adamant about getting "custom" gloves as they are about gettin nice, high end gloves right on the spot

i think stores selling MIAs can actually be profitable sometimes with the players that dont want to go order online and deal with a guy over the phone

many people would rather deal with their LHS

some people will buy on the spot if the shop has what they want, others will order through the shop and still others will go home and buy online. No shop should have to compete with the manufacturer.

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G.M. I think you taking it a little too far, if your gonna go out and tell companies to Boycott Mia, just because they sell direct, thats not fair, it should be their decision.

Too me I think Mia is a great thing. Custom Gloves, everything, I've always imagined to have my name embroidered on my gloves, just like the pros :huh:

I just think thats Bullsh!t if you go out and tell different shops to Boycott Mia just because you do.

P.S. MissConduct, those gloves are wicked nice....Beauty's

I'm with ya! I support Mia fully

Go MIA!!


I talk to many other shops everyday and they can do what they want. I will go ahead though and speak my mind. If they bring it in, good for them. I will continue to boycott them and hopefully, others will as well.

Good for you, You have only said it 10 times.

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i have to agree with buffalo.hockey, I can't see the Internet customers really taking too much away from LHS business. Besides us nerds (me included), I don't think MIA's exposure/marketing online is that great. I know two guys who are wearing MIA's and they have both ordered their custom gloves through their LHS, they weren't even aware that they could order from the web.

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As a shop owner, I would not sell any item that the manufacturer sells direct unless the manufacturer sold the item for more than my retail price. Otherwise, why oh why would I just become a showroom for the manufacturer so only they could make money, and me nothing, except all the wasted time explaining features and fit to someone who will just buy direct. As I said, if the manuf'r's direct price was higher, that's another story. Then there would be incentive for customers to buy through me.

As for MIA, I spoke with them at the show, they did not seem interested in selling though a dealer. Why they were even there was beyond me.

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