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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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focus flex zcarb blades

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i saw the new focus flex blades and it was ridiculous

it looks kinda lika this

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at the tendon but with deep groves

do these snap like crazy or does it help


thats an ok picture but the groves look alot bigger in real life

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the idea with that is its supposed to give a lower kick point to get a quicker release,some people feel a difference some dont. as for eazy's comment i havent seen many break there but the new z-carbon blades are coming with the CNT in them just like the SL and Stealth

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i saw the new focus flex blades and it was ridiculous

it looks kinda lika this

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at the tendon but with deep groves

do these snap like crazy or does it help


thats an ok picture but the groves look alot bigger in real life

i dont think focus flex is a new technology, its been a round for a few years.

and mine have allways held up great. i love them!

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i saw the new focus flex blades and it was ridiculous

it looks kinda lika this

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at the tendon but with deep groves

do these snap like crazy or  does it help


thats an ok picture but the groves look alot bigger in real life

i dont think focus flex is a new technology, its been a round for a few years.

and mine have allways held up great. i love them!

Same here...Awesome blade....light and great performance. Hands down.

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The new 06 ones are crap.The blade breaks on the 20th shot at most around here. Right in the middle of the focus flex.

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I guess because I'm light and play inline...but I've owned 2 FF blades, and both took almost 14 months of play each to crack. I've never ever had an issue with ANY carbon blade Easton has made (and that dates back to the green z-carbon blades)

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Ive never thought the zcarbon blades to be very durable. They dont break right away but they also dont last very long. Ive never seen one break at the focus flex though.

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but the new z-carbon blades are coming with the CNT in them just like the SL and Stealth

Which means they'll probably crumble just like SL blades.

Actually Easton's samples show that they've "improved" the CNT deal with all the blades this year. It does actually look like it will hold up better than previous ones. And I've never seen a focus flex blade break at the focus flex. I never noticed any real advantage to it but a lot of people seem to like it.

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Nothing but good performance, lightest blade I've found. For me they last 6 months on average playing ball hockey 1 time a plus 1 ice game per week. I always put epoxy on the bottom to delay the wear though.

As per the Focus Flex...Doesn't really do much except for make it easier to lift shots b/c of the decrease in weight. I don't know about the newer ones though.

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Actually Easton's samples show that they've "improved" the CNT deal with all the blades this year.

Are you referring to the "improved durability" statement made by Easton in their catalogue or do you have access to their test data. I hope it's true, but I'm sceptical when Easton is the source of this type of information.

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The only problem Ive ever had with them is the blade start to soften up on me after awhile...but they hold up well, Ive broken all ive had but that was after I got good use out of all of them.

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Don't leave your tape on after a game...then they dryout and last longer. few times I have forgotten to take the tape off an a week later I go to re-tape the blade and its still wet under the tape.

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