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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL breakage....

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Allright so this weekend (thursday to sunday) my team was in a tourney. Three players on my team broke SL grips in the exact same place. like i mean exactly within an inch.

all three were basically diagnolly from the top to where the heel sits on the ground.

i was stunned.


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Allright so this weekend (thursday to sunday) my team was in a tourney. Three players on my team broke SL grips in the exact same place. like i mean exactly within an inch.

all three were basically diagnolly from the top to where the heel sits on the ground.

i was stunned.


yea, i've had 2 of mine start to break/crack there as well..

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I've seen that quite a bit in my business. I am the owner of one of the Minnesota Stick Fix Franchises. The SL's are built for performance, not durability. That's why Easton has the ST's. The blades are a bit stiffer when we finish, but they are more durable.


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Allright so this weekend (thursday to sunday) my team was in a tourney. Three players on my team broke SL grips in the exact same place. like i mean exactly within an inch.

all three were basically diagnolly from the top to where the heel sits on the ground.

i was stunned.


exact same place where i broke 2

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If you take too much ice it can cause the blade to twist which would start the breakage at the top of the heel sometimes, or improper lie problem.

that could be what i do. my XXX didnt crack there like the SL but there is a chip right on the heel about where the SL cracked. ive never had this problem before tho. this is the first year that ive ever really broken any sticks. how could i tell if my lie was wrong?

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To tell if your lie is proper just look at the bottom of your blade after playing. The tape should be worn fairly evenly from heel to toe. If the toe is more worn then you need a higher lie, if the heel is more worn you need a lower lie.

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almost sounds like the blade is too strong. it resists torquing so well, because of the CNT that instead of the force of the ice or puck being distributed across the whole face of the blade and being absorbed, the blade channels all of the force right into the heel/hosel area, causing it to undergo much more stress. or am i thinking too hard :ph34r:

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almost sounds like the blade is too strong. it resists torquing so well, because of the CNT that instead of the force of the ice or puck being distributed across the whole face of the blade and being absorbed, the blade channels all of the force right into the heel/hosel area, causing it to undergo much more stress. or am i thinking too hard :huh:

yea but it sounds good ;)

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