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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Enough steel?

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Some of the guys on my team said it didnt look like I have enough steel. Are they right? Also after taking a closer look at my blades it looks like there is alot more steel at the front of the skate than at the back. Is there anything wrong with this?

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It wouldn't hurt to get some fresh steel on there, it looks like theres enough in the front, but it seems to get more worn down towards the heel of the skate, maybe your sharpener is a little too heel happy on the machine, or maybe it just looks that way in pictures.

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The height seems OK except on the heel. It is obvious your sharpener leads and leans on the heel while sharpening. If done correctly, the heel should be similar height as the toe (on Bauers anyway). Still, they have some life left in them, no need to go out and have them replaced yet. Soon though.

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No its not just the pictures. Is the heel being worn down a big issue?...it cant be good. I consistantly get even edges, etc. but that doesnt mean the radius of the actual blade is right. How should I check to see if it is?

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My guess is you are having a hard time getting up on your toes and feel like you are constantly on your heels. From the looks of those blades, I don't think getting the blades reprofiled is a worthwhile option since there isn't a ton of life left in the blades. My $.02 would be to toss some new steel on and get a proper radius done.

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I have a pair of xxs and when my steele got about that low they snaped in the middle of a game right in the little empty space. But I had a warrenty so my lhs gave me some new ones.

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You still got some steel but like everyone said the heel has a little less. If it bothers your skating you could have them take a little more off the front to even it out. I had Lightpeeds and actually had them take some off the heel because I didn't like the extra 4mm height on lightspeeds vs. Tuuk+. Eventually I just put the regular Tuuks on.

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None of the local sharpeners can keep consistant edges, so my old man bought a sharpener and took over the job. Hes a machinist and I assumed the radius of the blade was correct because the edges always were. Now its pretty obvious that its not correct and needs to be fixed. How should I/we solve this problem and go about keeping it from happening again?

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None of the local sharpeners can keep consistant edges, so my old man bought a sharpener and took over the job. Hes a machinist and I assumed the radius of the blade was correct because the edges always were. Now its pretty obvious that its not correct and needs to be fixed. How should I/we solve this problem and go about keeping it from happening again?

Why don't you tell us where you are located and someone can recommend a good sharpener in the area. Either that or have your dad get sharpening lessons.

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Yeah, time for new steels. Get the NON PERFORATED lightspeed 2's!!!

Before you install them into the holders, take a piece of cardboard and trace the blade outline onto the cardboard. That way, if dad is creaming the back end of the new blades, he will notice it by comparison with the sketching and put less pressure there.

Change them after your last game on the weekend, cause it will take you a while during practice to be able to skate again!

You will know if you have to change the blades immediatly by looking at the plastic holders. If the ice is gouging the sides of the plastic during turns, then you have to change them now.

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