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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Decent wood stick ?

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I like Sher-wood sticks. The 5030 is rated at an 85 flex, but feels whippy. 7000s are a little longer and stiffer. Either way both are good sticks.

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The handle of the 5030 has shaved corners for a rounded feel, but the rest of the stick is pretty standard. This is irrelevant if you cut more than a few inches off the end, although they're pretty easy to file/sand down yourself. I don't know of any rounded wood sticks, but then again, there's a lot I don't know.

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not completely sure to be honest. Try contacting Go Pio and get some advice.

Another option is the Nike Quest 2, it's rounded and fits smaller hands nicely. They are usually onsale at Canadian Tire as well, so check that out. I picked one up for $10.

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The Z carbon is ok, I just dont like the plastic coating on the side. My favorite wood stick would be a montreal or a bauer supreme, i think thats what its called. Black with gold and red writing.

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The handle of the 5030 has shaved corners for a rounded feel, but the rest of the stick is pretty standard. This is irrelevant if you cut more than a few inches off the end, although they're pretty easy to file/sand down yourself. I don't know of any rounded wood sticks, but then again, there's a lot I don't know.

The entire shaft of the Sherwood 7000 has a more rounded/ovaled feel than the 5030.

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actually, for rounded shaft, check out some TPS woodies, they tend to have rounded shafts. the only caveat is that you might not be able to find them in anything under a stiff flex

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actually, for rounded shaft, check out some TPS woodies, they tend to have rounded shafts. the only caveat is that you might not be able to find them in anything under a stiff flex

Omegas are rounded, the x-lites are square.

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