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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Warrior dealers?

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Since I dropped into the Warrior showroom at Onegoal in Boston, I haven't heard diddly from any area Warrior rep. I was just wondering if any other US dealers have been contacted by a Warrior rep as a potential dealer or been opened. My booking $ are going fast. I just wonder if the Warrior crew is getting their act together past Perani's for new US dealers. Warrior, come out and play...........

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A buddy of mine that helped run a hockey shop in this area years ago is opening up his own shop and he told me that he is talking with warrior. He already got NBH,Easton and RBK...so it should be a good store. He really wants warrior because it seems to be a very good product.

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Since I dropped into the Warrior showroom at Onegoal in Boston, I haven't heard diddly from any area Warrior rep. I was just wondering if any other US dealers have been contacted by a Warrior rep as a potential dealer or been opened. My booking $ are going fast. I just wonder if the Warrior crew is getting their act together past Perani's for new US dealers. Warrior, come out and play...........

I spoke by email with the warrior rep. Seems they only want to open accts with existing stores that have stocked Warrior Lacrosse. I think it's BS, becaue I know of a chain of store that had no lacrosse equipment. Too much politics and back stabbing and anti-trust violations in this business. If you didn't get an acct, someone put pressure on someone not to. Kind of like what Bauer does. ;)

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Hey, if they don't want my business, that will be their loss, not mine. In my area, putting hockey sticks in a LX store will be pretty hard to do. Why they don't want to be in a rink pro shop is pretty dumb compared to being in a LX shop nowhere near a hockey rink. Anybody want to share what their booking program is? PM me, if you don't want to make it common knowledge.

4 models of sticks and I have to chase them? Sure..............

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I think when the rep does come begging, I will tell him to pack sand. These idiots who restrict dealers don't realize that our customers are loyal and want to shop at our store, not at the box store or chain store. If our store doesn't sell it, they will simply buy what we sell. Their marketing guys are idiots. Same as other companies who restrict accts.

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Hey Chadd or any other warrior dealer i need some help!!!!!

I am using the innovative kovalev pro stock blade and i need to get more.

Can i get some warrior pro stock kovalev blades????

Are they being offered like warrior used to offer them??????

I need some BAD!! i am down to one blade and now that i have used this blade for over last couple of years i can't play with anything but this blade.

PLEASE someone help!!! if anyone has any extra Kovalev Pro stock blades PLEASE let me know


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I think when the rep does come begging, I will tell him to pack sand. These idiots who restrict dealers don't realize that our customers are loyal and want to shop at our store, not at the box store or chain store. If our store doesn't sell it, they will simply buy what we sell. Their marketing guys are idiots. Same as other companies who restrict accts.

Depends on how particular people are about the item they are looking to buy. For me, if a store doesn't have what I'm looking for I won't settle for another product. If I ask and they don't carry it and can't get it for whatever reason, then I'm off to find the store that does have it. In this respect, I am lucky because there are quite a few hockey shops in the area. Are there places where I would prefer to spend my money? Yes, but if they don't have what I want then that is their loss.

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