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RBK 7K or Easton Stealth/Synergy elbows?

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Hey guys,

I ordered a pair of the RBK 7K elbow pads recently and while I like the 3 strap system, they don't seem to offer as much protection or feel as well designed as the Easton Z-Air elbows I wear now. The thing is, my Z-air's are on their last legs... the neoprene straps are all falling apart or have disintegrated completely. I've heard some good things about the new Stealth gear coming out, but I don't want to fall victim to crappy neoprene straps again. I like the straps on the RBK's alot more. Any idea how these two pads stack up against each other? I'd heard that RBK/Jofa was the way to go as far as a majority of the NHL guys basically wearing them. I can still return the RBK pads since I haven't worn them. I'm just trying to figure out if I just gut out the rest of the season until the Easton's hit the shelves or just stick with the RBK's. Any thoughts?



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Hey guys,

I ordered a pair of the RBK 7K elbow pads recently and while I like the 3 strap system, they don't seem to offer as much protection or feel as well designed as the Easton Z-Air elbows I wear now. The thing is, my Z-air's are on their last legs... the neoprene straps are all falling apart or have disintegrated completely. I've heard some good things about the new Stealth gear coming out, but I don't want to fall victim to crappy neoprene straps again. I like the straps on the RBK's alot more. Any idea how these two pads stack up against each other? I'd heard that RBK/Jofa was the way to go as far as a majority of the NHL guys basically wearing them. I can still return the RBK pads since I haven't worn them. I'm just trying to figure out if I just gut out the rest of the season until the Easton's hit the shelves or just stick with the RBK's. Any thoughts?



RBK! is a great elbow pad.

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Thanks for the feedback, Hurricane. Have you used any of the Easton pads? I just like how they have the air bladders and seem more contoured and stuff. Heck, maybe it's just a style thing. The 7K's just seem so plain to me. I actually liked the idea that Easton is using now with the non-slip covering on the insides. I have alot of issues with my current Easton's with slippage... especially now that one of the 3 straps is busted on both sides.

Thanks again,


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I've had these Jofa's 3500 for years now and there's really no need to change. I love those elbow pads :D

I'm still using Jofa 1444's, they're beat but I wouldn't trade them for a new pair of any other brand.

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I would rather have the 7k's. I have the top end synergies right now, and to be honest, the grip things dont help much. Maybe it is just my arm and not the pad, but I find them a little too restricting and they move down too much.

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Thanks for the replies, guys.

Having never used their stuff, I was just thinking that maybe everyone using Jofa was just a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rather than them being an actual cut above. I'll stick with the 7K elbows then. I'll most likely snag the 7K shins as well, but more than one person (and e-tailers) has told me that the new Easton Stealth S9 shoulders are much better pads than the RBK 7K shoulders for the money. Guess I'll just wait til March to get those.

Thanks again,


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Havent gotten a chance to snag the 7ks yet, but the Synergy 900s are amazing. They protect like no other and are very mobile because of the design. If I had one problem with them, it would be with the strapping. Sometimes, very rarely they would slip. That could be a problem with me and the neoprene wrist strap and not strapping it up enough. Solid, solid, pad though.

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i've been using the jofa elbow pads for a bit now and would never go back... the thing i found with other pads is that you need to strap it up good in order for it to stay which was fine. however with the jofa's i found that you can have the straps loose and it will still stay on because the "pocket" was so deep. i find having a loose strap helps with movement and also feels a lot better. but hearing us say anything is useless when you have just about every NHL player wearing jofa stuff.

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Thanks JR and gang for all the replies. I've got a game tonight, so I'll be breaking in the elbows. I'll let everyone know how they compared to my Eastons.

Thanks again,


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Well I can't speak for the 7K's, I have a pair of 6K's and love them. They don't slip and don't seem to hinder movement. I have gone down on them a couple of times and didn't feel a thing. Personally i don't think I would stray from the Jofa/RBK

line when and if it comes time.

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...the thing i found with other pads is that you need to strap it up good in order for it to stay which was fine. however with the jofa's i found that you can have the straps loose and it will still stay on because the "pocket" was so deep. i find having a loose strap helps with movement and also feels a lot better.

So true, strapping isn't an issue with jofas.

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Well bud, your in luck. I have them both. The Jofa 7K and the Snergy 900's. Both have been terrific elbow pads. I use the 7K's for my league play and the 900's for pickup. To be totally honest I find them both super comfortable and highly protective. I get no slippage from either one and the only difference is the feel when you wear them but not in a negative way for either. I would recommend either because I don't believe one is superior in to other in any way. I think Easton has matched Jofa in quality with their top end elbow pads in this case. ;)

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So I wore the new 7K's last night. Have to say that the protection was really good... took a couple good spills, never felt a thing.

Now, I don't actually recall having much if any of a break-in period with the Eastons, but these RBK's were stiff as hell and really felt ALOT more restrictive. I could barely even make a 90 degree "L" with my forearm and bicep. I'm hoping it's just a case of needing break-in.

As far as movement... they seemed to move less than my Eastons, but I felt like I kept having to jam my elbow back into the cap to get it positioned right. It wasn't that it was slipping so much as just not sitting deep enough into the cap.

So all in all... less comfortable, needs lots of adjustment throughout the game but are great on protection. We'll see how the next couple sessions go with them. Right now I'd give them a 5 out of 10 compared to a 7 out of 10 for the Eastons.

Thanks again,


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Thanks, JR. One sweat session down... one to go. ;)

I figured it was just a matter of time on break in... I just didn't recall really having a breakin period on the Eastons.

Thanks again,


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Yes , he's right you'll need to sweat those babies in. A few ice sessions and they'll start feeling a lot better on those arms of yours. They do loosen up nicely as time goes on.

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