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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade emergency

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Does anyone know of anywhere I can find the TPS XX pro-stock blades RH or X-lites in a messier curve? I am in dire need...If there are ANY at your pro shops or places or people you know that have them, PLEASE let me know....I cant seem to find any online..



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are you looking for the brand new messier curve? at my shop we have tons of pro stock messier blades that seem to have a nasty toe on them. almost reminds me of the yzerman. if your interested i have one downstairs that i could snag a pic of...

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are you looking for the brand new messier curve? at my shop we have tons of pro stock messier blades that seem to have a nasty toe on them. almost reminds me of the yzerman. if your interested i have one downstairs that i could snag a pic of...

can you post pics of the nasty toe please? Do you have any composite blades witha toe curve like that? Thanks

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