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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lace bite

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I'm currently on Graf 705 and experiencing lace bite on my left foot. I think it is because of veins and tendons positioned on the top of the foot where laces cross. Additional information, I alway get this even with other skates and I don't tie the laces too tight. My question is is there some kind of padding I can buy or use to help with this?

Also, I keep loosing an edge and blowing out on sharp turns. Is this the forward angle of the skates causing me to loose an edge? Or could it be I'm on wide skates and maybe it's the boot making contact with the ice. My skate position is not deep knee bend and I don't feel my heel (back leg) digging in on sharp turns. should I change holders? if so which one?


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Just slip a Trojan Magnum over the tongue of your skate if you want some protection...I hear it works great!! :blink:

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Hmmm, didnt expect maltese to email me back so fast (around a 3 hr turnaround on a weekend) which is why I posted it here. Anyway, Apparently they now come in a pair. Cool

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Someone once recommended pipe insulation and it worked like a charm for me. Just tear off a piece and stick it in your sock over the sore spot before you put on your skates.

A 6 foot length sells for about $5 at Home Depot or whatever is near you.

The lable says 'Armacell Self Seal Pipe Insulation'

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Someone once recommended pipe insulation and it worked like a charm for me. Just tear off a piece and stick it in your sock over the sore spot before you put on your skates.

A 6 foot length sells for about $5 at Home Depot or whatever is near you.

The lable says 'Armacell Self Seal Pipe Insulation'

That was me, but it has to be the black, closed-cell neoprene type. Not the styrofoam swimming noodle type of pipe insulation.

Worked better than the commercial products for me.

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