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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quickest way to break in gloves

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jsut like new skates, i wear them around the house and constantly open and close the palm.

jog in them...the body heat and sweat works awesome.

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The first thing I ever do with a new pair of gloves is drink a beer (or two, to be safe - one in each hand). Beyond this, I don't think HGTs need much (if any) break-in time. Mine felt great the first time I used them.

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The plastic inserts in thumbs work to stop them being bent backward and sprained or dislocated. My new gloves have them and you don't notice them at all when wearing.

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On my top hand (left) I HATE the thumb and index going together when i open and close my hand, so i open it up and put it around the desk for my computer, do that in between sessions for about 2 weeks and its all good! If the glove isnt that well protected i bent it backwards, stretches the palm so theyre a bit more flexable from the off.

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wear them when you watch tv, just play with them, play with a smartball with your gloves on if you ahve one, shoot around in the garage, sleep with them on (works wonders for any piece of equipment you need to break-in although I don't reccommend skates) and thats about all i have for now

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Another question, what do plastic inserts in thumbs do and will it affect anhting if im nopt used to it

I asked a similar question recently, and JR basically said it was to protect your thumb being pushed backwards, and its a personal preference.

At which point I went home and took them out.

Has made a huge difference for me personally, so much more comfortable with the stick in my hand and freedom with the glove.

For what its worth I wear TPS Bionics, 14", so may have similar fit to yours.

But the thumb lock was a cause of serious frustration to me, because I felt like I was so restricted with them.

Best move I made, glovewise taking out the lock, have not noticed any compromise in protection, but have not had my thumb bent back yet either (hopefully never will)

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