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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Clear Tuuks

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ii cant see that.

Yes,I know.But im stating that is the reason why they dont say TUUK on them.They are from the 1980's,not a recent model.

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Those are real TUUK's. Real old TUUK's. If you look at the toe on the left holder (in both pictures), "TUUK" can be read, although obviously faint from the given view. They are the same holders as the TUUK's from the early 1990's, before the Custom + holders came out.

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Back in the 80s all original Tuuks were even #s: 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300. When Tuuk Custom was made the holder sizes changed. The holder itself also changed as now the lines were angled forward instead of straight up to add strength to the holder.

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Arn't they clear.

purple/ clear...aweful...you know the pros will be putting on the white ones.

they look more clear and blue than any purple i've seen

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this Tuuk 290 is too long for a boot that takes a 280 and too short for a boot that takes a 296. If your present Tuuk is 288, then this 290 size will be ok. The 288 is the only fit that will work. You will be drilling new holes and going from heel to toe completely on the sole. Also, once the clear Tuuks crack(and they will since they are over 20 years old and brittle as hell), you will be a bit screwed.

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Arn't they clear.

purple/ clear...aweful...you know the pros will be putting on the white ones.

they look more clear and blue than any purple i've seen

On the nikebauer.com they look good Blue/clear like you are saying but at the MSH skate I remeber them being more purple...Maybe Im wrong....if I am, sorry in advance.

Added for convenience.Nike

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