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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick lie

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I find that the tape on the heel of my stick always wears down really fast. I also noticed on a few of my old sticks that most of the blade looks almost new but the very heel of it is always worn down with stuff sticking out of it. The most worn down one I have is a tps messier pattern with a lie of 6 I'm not too familiar with how those numbers work should i go higher or lower?

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Thats all I can think of at the moment.

Missconduct, shortening your stick a little solves that problem too ;)

ah ok.. even if im 5'8 and the butt end is removed.. thats not too short?

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Its really whatever you feel comfy with..If your fine, dont do anything if you want to..(If it aint broke, dont fix it ;) ).Take 1/2"-1" off and see if it gets any better and go from there....Im 5'6" and my stick goes to my adams apple with skates on, but I use a 6 lie so I had to cut my stick a bit ;)

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with a rockered bottom, majority of the sticks on the market are not what they are said to be. miss C. if you want, i can get you anywhere from 3.5-6.0 at every .5 lie. 3 curves. you saw them at the MSH skate at rochester!!!

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Its really whatever you feel comfy with..If your fine, dont do anything if you want to..(If it aint broke, dont fix it ;) ).Take 1/2"-1" off and see if it gets any better and go from there....Im 5'6" and my stick goes to my adams apple with skates on, but I use a 6 lie so I had to cut my stick a bit ;)

awesome thanks for the info ;)

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I am really not all that tall i have an old intermediate stick i use to play around with around the house and standing in just socks it comes up to my nose which i think is actually where you want your sticks to be. I dont really like to use sticks that short though i use senior sized sticks because i like them to be long. Could this be part of my problem? Could a shorter stick for me maybe fix the problem i have with the heel of my blade wearing down so quickly?

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shortening the stick isn't always a good solution. If you have wear around your heel, it's because you probably carry the puck outside your body (like I do). Switching to a lower lie should put the heel and mid closer to the ground, and hopefully keep the sweet spot closer to the floor too.

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