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Lecavalier blade pattern

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I would like to have some opinions from users. How do you find this curve, pros and cons? Is it a Lidström clone?

Thank's in advance! :)

EDIT: Typing error.

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I used one and I couldn't stand it. My main curves right now are an Yzerman Jr. Easton blade and a Hull Mission Hex-1, and I love those curves. I just couldn't stand the Lecavalier blade...it's all PP for you though

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Man , i just started using this curver, and i think its phenomenal, but as Ebondo said, its all personal preference. It is very similar to a Lidstrom curve, and while i have to adjust a little to make sure i keep my shot down, i find the curve very easy to get good slappers and quick high wrist shots with.

If you like the lidstrom, you'll like the Lecav.

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I would like to have some opinions from users. How do you find this curve, pros and cons? Is it a Lidström clone?

Thank's in advance! :)

EDIT: Typing error.

Yes it is a Lidstrom clone.

I used this curve for only about a month. Coming from a Modano, it took some time to adjust. This curve will pick your shots up much higher, so I had to work on keeping my follow through lower, it is a great shooting curve once you get the hang of it though. The biggest problem I had with the curve, was stickhandling felt clumsy, and I never felt like I had total control of the puck, so I stopped using it. That's just me though. I know a few guys that can dangle people out of their skates with a Lidstrom curve, so it really comes down to personal preference.

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I would like to have some opinions from users. How do you find this curve, pros and cons? Is it a Lidström clone?

Thank's in advance! :)

EDIT: Typing error.

Yes it is a Lidstrom clone.

I used this curve for only about a month. Coming from a Modano, it took some time to adjust. This curve will pick your shots up much higher, so I had to work on keeping my follow through lower, it is a great shooting curve once you get the hang of it though. The biggest problem I had with the curve, was stickhandling felt clumsy, and I never felt like I had total control of the puck, so I stopped using it. That's just me though. I know a few guys that can dangle people out of their skates with a Lidstrom curve, so it really comes down to personal preference.

Thank's everyboby for your replies! It seems either you like or dislike it...

I agree - it allways comes down to personal preferance, but i wanted to get your opinions. So the biggest concern would be stickhandling, right?

When i look at the curve pattern chart, it says "slightly open face". And the Lidström curve - "very open". Would that be a big difference? Also, different lies and blade lengths i believe. Anyone?? :blink:

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I have a Lidstrom and Lecavalier and the lecavalier lie is slightly lower than the Lidstrom. I like the Lecavalier curve a little better, but its an easy transition between the two.

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the vinny is a drury - with a square toe and maybe a different lie. it isnt as much like the lidstrom as people think. i have a vinny for sale or trade. the vinny also has a bit of a rocker to it.

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the vinny is a drury - with a square toe and maybe a different lie. it isnt as much like the lidstrom as people think. i have a vinny for sale or trade. the vinny also has a bit of a rocker to it.

Does the rocker mean that the blade isn't flat on the ice?

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cant - got ordered in for me and i cant change it.. i thought it was a 6 but someone mentioned that they thought it was a 5 but rockered... i was using a modano which is a 5.

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Yea, its curved or "rockered".

What a shame. I like the blade making contact with the ice, as flat bottom as possible, and i would like a lie 6 slightly or moderat open faced long blade with a square toe...how about the Pronger curve (RBK)?

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cant - got ordered in for me and i cant change it.. i thought it was a 6 but someone mentioned that they thought it was a 5 but rockered... i was using a modano which is a 5.

That sucks :(

Lie 5 is pretty low though...

Man i hate those rockered blades :angry:

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yeah - like i said - i cant change it so im stuck... i will be alright - it just takes adjusting time eh - had a HORRIBLE traning last night.. hahahah couldnt handel anything!

i quite like the modano.. nice to stick handel with..

"hands like a clock!"

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yeah - like i said - i cant change it so im stuck... i will be alright - it just takes adjusting time eh - had a HORRIBLE traning last night.. hahahah couldnt handel anything!

i quite like the modano.. nice to stick handel with..

"hands like a clock!"

Well i hope you get used to it, good luck!

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