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Ever see a guy go unconscious?

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I went to the Seattle Thunderbirds vs. Portland Winterhawks (WHL) game tonight and in the middle of the game, somehow the goalie went down. He wasn't moving at all, but we couldn't tell if he was speaking to his other players or not. The players called for the bench medic who came out and was trying to talk to the goalie. After about 5 seconds, it looked like he slightly grabbed the back of the goalie's neck and then it look like the guy just woke up like he had no idea where he was. As he woke up, he shook violently for a second like he was really startled. He couldn't stand or skate and they had to carry him to the locker rooms. Watching the replay it looked like maybe his own players fell on top of him.

I have never seen anything like this before. Any ideas on what happened?

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He could have hit his head hard as he fell and suffered a concussion. It happened to me once. They said I was out for about thirty to forty seconds and fell twice before finally getting up.

It sounds a bit similar.

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Without seeing what happen its hard to say....If he was in some sort of collision like Jason said he could have hit his head and suffered some sort of head injury and got knocked out, when he came too he could have suffered some sort of seizure, which rare, can happen with concussions...Or there is always the possiablity he suffers from other sort of medical problems, Diabetes, seizures, etc... And just had an episode....Id be curious to find out what the real cause was...Keep us posted.

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I emailed the team to ask and also said we hope he gets better. In my 8 years or so of watching and playing hockey I have never seen anything like it. I have seen lots of breaks, hard hits etc, but no one completely out cold if that is what it was. What happened is that Seattle scored a goal from the right side of the net (close in) and two Portland D kind of fell on the goalie / knocked him over as they were rushing for the puck from the left side. It didn't look like it was anything serious when it happened, but after about 6 or 7 seconds of the guy laying on the ice, you knew it was more than just "ow that hurt".

Maybe I should look for an extended video of the McSorley incident - wasn't Brashear out on that one?

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One of our guys banged his head at work and was having headaches but continued to play for a couple weeks with the problem. One game he circles behind the net and picks up the puck takes a stride or two and collapses on the ice. Nobody from either team is within 20 feet of him. After a couple seconds our goalie goes over and starts poking him with the end of his stick like he's roadkill. He woke up after a minute or so, then ended up scoring two shorties later in the game. Eventually a doctor told him it was either post-concussion syndrome or a brain tumor. It turned out to be a concussion.

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I saw a guy get paralysed. As some of you know I was at the game that Sebastien Savage (the player from Université de Moncton) got paralysed the neck down.

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One of our guys banged his head at work and was having headaches but continued to play for a couple weeks with the problem. One game he circles behind the net and picks up the puck takes a stride or two and collapses on the ice. Nobody from either team is within 20 feet of him. After a couple seconds our goalie goes over and starts poking him with the end of his stick like he's roadkill. He woke up after a minute or so, then ended up scoring two shorties later in the game. Eventually a doctor told him it was either post-concussion syndrome or a brain tumor. It turned out to be a concussion.

Someone in our league had the opposite sequence of events a few years ago -- with far more tragic results.

I heard he was in his early thirties and he had a collision on the ice. Three weeks later he died. The doctors apparently pieced together that he had the collission and assumed it basically was the cause of his death.

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This season my cousin was on my team, and he got slashed in the throat (no call), he ended up convulsing and having seizures on the bench, almost choked to death on the bench, very scary.

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I was at the Omaha Lancers v. Souix Falls (USHL) game last week and the Lancers goalie got caught up trying to get back to the crease from playing the puck behind the net and one of the opposing forwards clipped his leg pad from behind and the goalie went down hard. I mean his head was literally the first thing to hit the ice. He was knocked out cold. Needless to say, a huge fight broke out (didn't even notice it as I was sitting along the boards right behind the net and was focused on the goalie, then realized no one was coming to his aide). He ended up playing the rest of the game and getting a shut-out

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