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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shortening stick length

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Does shortening yor stick affect the feel? I cut my vapor X like 4" and whatever feel was there is basically gone...I have a wood blade in there and its slightly better, but not great like it should be..Any suggestions? Would putting a wood plug in it help at all? What should/can I do to help the feel

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Shortening a stick will add stiffness in a hurry and that's probably what changed the feel. If you shorten something by half it will be four times as stiff.

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It might be too bottom-light or blade-heavy. Try taping some pennies to the end.

How many pennies do you have to tape to add a significant amount of weight?

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Same thing with my stealth sometimes. For me, its way to light imo and I end up using my RBK shaft thats MUCH heavier. It also may be the flex for me. Int. 65 flex, I can flex it like a twig. I might go and get an 85 flex and cut it down..

Maybe this is the same case for you..

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I always think that adding a 2 inch wood plug would help''dampening the puck'' a la adrenaline or si-core.

Maybe that the problem...

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Cutting a stick shorter should not affect "feel", but it will affect your flex and the balance of the stick.

I use a moderately short stick, and when I cut down a long shaft, I will cut it and inch shorter than I need and reinsert a 1inch end plug back into the top. I find this gives my sticks great balance.

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