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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new nike bauer website ....... must see

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I think they're just promoting their products through their Canadian puppets. After the Olympics, the rest of the NBH roster should be back on.

I mean, Nike without Naslund?!

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Its cute...I thought Jarome was a big easton guy, or has he been dropped recently.

If you go to Iginla's profile, you can see that the stick he is holding is the Easton Synergy ST.

ALso TSN is running the NBH commercials during Olympic hockey games.

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I hate how some websites only show the tip models. Most people aren't going to be buying top of the line after all.

I think you'd be suprised. Also its just been released... Im sure when they release the whole line they will have most stuff on there site.

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Im sure when they release the whole line they will have most stuff on there site.

I don't know about that, with the Nike Hockey website, they only had the high end stuff. They only showed the Nike Flexlite 12 Hockey Skate, not the Flexlite 10, etc.

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they better have everything,

if they don't then that site is just all show and no go

i don't goto sites to look at graphics, i want product info and details!!

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they better have everything,

if they don't then that site is just all show and no go

i don't goto sites to look at graphics, i want product info and details!!

Their last 2-3 sites were like this (the one with Naslund and Kovalchuk and then there was the one that reminded people of "The Ring").

A nice looking Flash site but they only show you their top-of-the-line product. I noticed in the 06 catalog that the Vapor XXX skates and gloves were still available, the Flexlite 12 is still available, and where is THE One60 wood stick? Not on the website.

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i think the one60 will come on later since it's top of the line woodstick.

When they had the Naslund-Kovalchuk Light It Up days was it the Quest 1 and Zero-G that was top of the line wood?

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Cant get it running on work computer! needs Flash player 8 or something! Will have to wait to get home! I got the e-mail to! I like how theyve made St Louie as tall as iginla!

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they better have everything,

if they don't then that site is just all show and no go

i don't goto sites to look at graphics, i want product info and details!!


Their soccer site is the same - only the $2-300 cleats. I'm interested in mid-level stuff and the site has absolutely no info about it so I think I'd rather give my money to Easton, iTech etc. since I can get useful info from their websites and don't have to rely upon whoever happens to be working at Sportchek at the time I stop in.

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You guys ever e-mail them. HA....3 months ago and still no response. I E-mailed them every week for a total of 6 E-mails just out of spite. Nothing!

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