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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new nike bauer website ....... must see

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NBH always had their entire catalogue on the site. You just gotta look for it, you lazy children.

Trust me, with the 2005 Nike Hockey equipment line on the Nike Hockey website, the entire catalogue was not disclosed on the site, only the top-end equipment. Remember, the Nike Hockey website was updated mid-summer with the 45 second training program and stuff. As for the Bauer Hockey equipment line, their website has always disclosed the entire catalogue.

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Wasn't the Nike product on the Bauer site?

Prior to this new Nike Bauer Hockey website, Nike Hockey and Bauer had separate hockey equipment websites.

Nike Hockey - www.nikehockey.com

Bauer - www.bauer.com

Now, if you type in either of these websites, it will redirect you to the Nike Bauer Hockey website - www.nikebauer.com.

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Were you on a different Bauer website than what I was on? I do not recall finding any Nike products on the Bauer website nor a print catalogue. Perhaps, you had some sort of special access since you work in a hockey shop.

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Were you on a different Bauer website than what I was on? I do not recall finding any Nike products on the Bauer website nor a print catalogue. Perhaps, you had some sort of special access since you work in a hockey shop.

I had bauer.com bookmarked, now it takes me to the new Sight...witch is flashy but not to informational.

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i'd love to see a review of the new one90 gloves - i cant decide on whether i like the look of them or not, but they look super streamlined and it seems like they wouldnt feel bulky or heavy, making them good for stickhandling

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Its cute...I thought Jarome was a big easton guy, or has he been dropped recently.

I was thinking the exact same thing, does this mean bauer will be relesing a few more curves in their new lineup? Easton have already shown that iginla is part of their stick lineup

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What are you talking about? NBH always had their entire catalogue on the site. You just gotta look for it, you lazy children.

I may be ignorant, but I'm not lazy :P .

If the entire catalogue is on their site they sure don't make it easy to find.

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What are you talking about?  NBH always had their entire catalogue on the site.  You just gotta look for it, you lazy children.

I may be ignorant, but I'm not lazy :P .

If the entire catalogue is on their site they sure don't make it easy to find.

I couldn't find it.

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