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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The future of hockey padding?

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You can't use anything hard for neck guards. You need it to be soft...so that it absorbs the skate blade in case of impact. If it were hard, it would deflect and slide off. That is why neck guards are terrycloth.

i've seen the bauer and jockplus kevlar neckguards, that aren't really thick. i don't know how much of the d3o stiffens on impact, if it's a big area, then it wouldn't be good, but if it's right around the edge, i think it'd be fine.

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no, i don't really understand. if the point of the neckguard is to prevent skateblades from cutting the neck, how would something stiff defeat the purpose?

sorry if i'm being totally ignorant, but i don't really get it :(

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no, i don't really understand. if the point of the neckguard is to prevent skateblades from cutting the neck, how would something stiff defeat the purpose?

sorry if i'm being totally ignorant, but i don't really get it :(

As I was told by USA Hockey there were two cases of kids bleeding out on the ice because a skate blade deflected off their neckguards and hit something major. That's why USA Hockey will never mandate their use.

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no, i don't really understand. if the point of the neckguard is to prevent skateblades from cutting the neck, how would something stiff defeat the purpose?

sorry if i'm being totally ignorant, but i don't really get it :(

It needs to be soft so a blade can't slide upwards off of the neck guard and catching your jugular. Don't want to flop around like a stuck pig, do you?

Make more sense now?

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