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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ducks new jersey

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I haven't heard the green and gold rumor, butt I have heard green and orange though.

From Sportslogos.net about the ducks jersey, "The club is also expected to unveil new logos, uniforms and a new colour scheme in the coming weeks. According to our sources the new colour scheme will be green and orange and feature a logo somewhat similar in style to their current alternate jersey logo." It was a big topic in their forums for a while. The whole article can be read hereDucks Jersey Change

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Sounds like Miamu U colors. Anything is better than what they have, and I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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yea the jerseys they have now are the worst in the league :(

I want to see something like the jerseys they had in 98-99

I want the michelin man third jerseys to come back. :huh:

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yea the jerseys they have now are the worst in the league :(

I want to see something like the jerseys they had in 98-99

I want the michelin man third jerseys to come back. :blink:

what is the michelin man third jersey?

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yea the jerseys they have now are the worst in the league :(

I want to see something like the jerseys they had in 98-99

I want the michelin man third jerseys to come back. :blink:

what is the michelin man third jersey?

The horrible looking thing in this picture. Not to be outdone by the Kings "Burger King" thirds from the same season.

95/96 Ducks Jerseys

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yea the jerseys they have now are the worst in the league :(

I want to see something like the jerseys they had in 98-99

I want the michelin man third jerseys to come back. :blink:

what is the michelin man third jersey?

The horrible looking thing in this picture. Not to be outdone by the Kings "Burger King" thirds from the same season.

95/96 Ducks Jerseys

Yeah, kings were #2

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yea the jerseys they have now are the worst in the league :(

I want to see something like the jerseys they had in 98-99

I want the michelin man third jerseys to come back. :rolleyes:

what is the michelin man third jersey?

The horrible looking thing in this picture. Not to be outdone by the Kings "Burger King" thirds from the same season.

95/96 Ducks Jerseys

Yeah, kings were #2

The Burger King Jerserys are awesome, I wish I could find one of those Ducks and one of those Kings jerseys, they were awesome.

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Blues and Tampa had worse, I think. Then the vulva on the new Stars 3rd took the cake. And menstruated on it.

I didn't think the Blues ever wore the really bad ones and I don't recall Tampa's being that bad but I could be wrong. Dallas is pretty bad but the cartoon-ish nature of the others put them at the top of my list.

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I love the colorado avalanche third jersey but i herd this is the last year there going to wear them does anyone know anything aout this? :(

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One of the rumors with the Reebok redesign is that there will be no 3rd jerseys. No one has confirmed this. So it could be true. The other thing ive heard is that a few teams will be getting third jerseys next year, like tampa, buffalo, carolina, and anaheim. This looks to be less true, as both Buffalo and Anaheim have anounced that they will be in new jerseys next year (buffalo is expected to be back to blue and gold). So after all that nothing is for sure, but Reebok is redesiging the NHL jerseys and rumor has it, not horizontal stripes, so that also would play into your Avs 3rd jersey.

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One of the rumors with the Reebok redesign is that there will be no 3rd jerseys. No one has confirmed this. So it could be true. The other thing ive heard is that a few teams will be getting third jerseys next year, like tampa, buffalo, carolina, and anaheim. This looks to be less true, as both Buffalo and Anaheim have anounced that they will be in new jerseys next year (buffalo is expected to be back to blue and gold). So after all that nothing is for sure, but Reebok is redesiging the NHL jerseys and rumor has it, not horizontal stripes, so that also would play into your Avs 3rd jersey.

is this the same rumor as the dumb RBK Jersey and the one where its only compatible with RBK pants only?

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Are you talking about the one where the pants will have extended kidney protection and jerseys will be tucked in? Thats the last I heard. I really hope alot of this is just rumors or gets changed in the long run.

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