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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can a normal blade go in a tapered shaft?

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yes, it *could* be done. one of my friends put a shaved standard r2 wood blade in a tapered novius. he only used it for a practice before it broke though.

edit: it probably was a prostock wood blade. i knew it was made by tps but i just couldn't remember the name

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A shaved standard r2 wood? That makes no sense because an R2 wood is tapered to begin with and wouldn't have to be shaved.

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I'm new to the whole tapered shaft concept so I'm wondering if I can put a normal blade in a tapered shaft.

Short answer, no.

Long answer, you would have to shave down the blade tenon to get it to fit in the shaft.

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yes you can, put the blade on the other end of the shaft, since tapered shaft are 3-4 inch longer than standard, you should not need end plug so you could be okay..

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