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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Modifying a Curve

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I bought a Nike wooden blade..toe curve. Got it really cheap on eBay. Cept, the curve turned out to be a bit flatter than I'd like. Anyway to change that at all? Is it possible to heat it up and bend it some?

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You can use a heat gun to heat the blade until you can curve the blade. Once you have the curve you want, you'll have to find a way to hold the curve in place until the blade cools. If you plan on curving a lot of blade, epuck.com sells a blade curving device.

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If done correctly, you should not have a problem.

I still tweak my custom wood blades.

Agreed. I have had success before.. Just my most recent, i know i over heated them.

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no matter how well you do it you are going to effect the performance of the blade. The reason is because you start to stretch the wrap on the blade, the wrap makes the blade stronger and perform better. Basically, it's do-able and it will work but it's going to effect the durability and performance of the blade(more-so on the durability).

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If you do it gradually, you can prevent the stretching of the glass wrap.

even that does stretch the wrap although it will stretch it more evenly limiting the weakening effects.

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Yet it ruins the durability terribly. So much flex in the blade after i did it once or twice.

This is only true for composite blades, wooden blades should not be effected at all if you do it properly.

I custom curve my blades all the time and have no problems. I heat the blade up with a heat gun just to get it pliable and then stick it in the ProCurve sold by EPuck to get the curve I want, then I stick the whole thing in the oven for 3 minutes at 225* and just let it cool for at least 12 hours.

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