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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking Skates:

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While at my LHS today I tried on a pair of CCM Vector skates (forgot the model). The D width seems to be just a tiny bit to wide for my narrow feet. I don't have much experience with baking skates, as I have never had a skate baked before. Would baking the skate help to make it just a tad bit more narrow?

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Baking will allow you to widen but not make the skate narrower. You might check and see if your LHS has a CCM F-I-T machines as that may help you.

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I doubt tightning the skates prior to baking would help. The point of baking is to loosen things up a bit to speed up the break in process. When the skate cools, it doesn't shrink any noticable amount.

I would think the F-I-T machine might give you a little of what you are looking for as it will push in on the skate. (I'm not sure how hard the push is,) However, the foot bed will still be too big and I would guess that over time the skate would expand back to it's original shape.

To me, the real question is, why would you even try and make a skate that doesn't fit you, fit? Wouldn't it be best to try finding something that fits to begin with?

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While at my LHS today I tried on a pair of CCM Vector skates (forgot the model). The D width seems to be just a tiny bit to wide for my narrow feet. I don't have much experience with baking skates, as I have never had a skate baked before. Would baking the skate help to make it just a tad bit more narrow?

Vector Pro and Vector 7.0 comes in a narrow C-width. Your LHS should be able to order them in for you as they rarely stock the C-width.

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