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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Swift

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I have been looking at those nike swift jerseys wanting to buy and olympic one maybe what site has them and is a Nike IIHF jersey the same thing?

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I was thinking maybe about getting a team canada rick nash one i would only want a replica and im not entirely sure yet if I'm buying one just looking at prices and things right now.

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Do you know if the jerseys under international apperal on the shop at nhl.com are the swift jerseys or not it says IHHF I'm still not sure if that means it is one of the swift jerseys I'm starting to get a little confused.

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Will the stuff be available retail, I don't want to pay 150 for an authentic sweater, but i would really like to try this concept, I don,t know why, but this marketing bullshit got my intention...

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Will the stuff be available retail, I don't want to pay 150 for an authentic sweater, but i would really like to try this concept, I don,t know why, but this marketing bullshit got my intention...

The replica isn;t the same material, so you won't get the same "benefits"

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