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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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visor question

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ok, so i've got an oakley modified aviator mounted on my bauer 5000 M. my problem (well not so much a problem, but asking out of curiosity...)the mounting screws don't seem to want to tighten all the way. they just keep turning and turning, never getting tighter. actually, maybe 1 or 2 tighten the way they should...

is there a solution to this?

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ive got an itech straight tinted on my 5000 for drop in and what i found to work with alot of effort was bend the padding back, and throw another screw driver on the acceptor end of the mounting system and it tightened them right up.

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I've same helmet, make sure you have these screws aligned correctly in ear protectors, so that these screws are in their slots and they won't turn around (http://www.epuck.com/storeDir/images/domescrew_sm.jpg <- that silver one is what I mean with 'screw'). This will fix the problem if you didn't notice this earlier. Of course, you can do it by holding the other end of the screw with another screwdriver.

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ok, so i've got an oakley modified aviator mounted on my bauer 5000 M. my problem (well not so much a problem, but asking out of curiosity...)the mounting screws don't seem to want to tighten all the way. they just keep turning and turning, never getting tighter. actually, maybe 1 or 2 tighten the way they should...

is there a solution to this?

To make it easier, you can take out the padding on the 5000 and just work with the shell. Take out the front two screws (the mask ones in front) and you will be able to take that whole styrofoam piece out. With that out, its a lot easier to get into the sides to tighten down screws.

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Use a longer screw, some spacers between the visor and helmet and put blue loc-tite on the end of the screw before you assemble it all.

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For anyone who reads this with the same problem, but doesnt like ear gaurds (like me) i use the original bolts that fit into the slots of the ear gaurd and then uses the screws, the smaller surface area of the ractangle shape grips on the helmets plastic and allows you to tighten them nice and tight.

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