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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Matching equiptment

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how many of your teams have matching equiptment? IVe seen very few roller hockey teams (which is what Im talking about) take this step. A few guys on our team were thinking about getting matching helmets and gloves. We alredy have the pants and jerseys. When you guys watch a team and see matching equiptment, do you guys really care? It may make us look a little more classy, but other then that I dont see the point

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matching equipment or at leat color schemes does help the whole team image thing, instead of looking like a hodge-podge slapped together team.

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My team has matching Jerseys and Pants, Some of us have the same stick, and a few have the same gloves. What I think when I see a team with matching equipment doesn’t really matter to me but what usually pops into my mind is wow some ones probably not very comfortable because not everyone can use the same equipment. You know what I mean?

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exactly, that's why if you just run with the same color schemes it's so much better. You all still match and everyone's properly fitted.

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well for my team we have to have white bauer 5000s but thats about it we all have black pants too and some of us have the synergy st grip which matches our team colors

it does add a sense of class to the game

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exactly, that's why if you just run with the same color schemes it's so much better. You all still match and everyone's properly fitted.

Yea are team tries to do that but getting forest green colored equipment isn’t the easiest thing so we all mainly wear black colored equipment. And having a sense of matching real makes a team look high class. Well sometimes… Unless your team color is like pink.

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my roller team is sponsered by tour so we all have tour helmets gloves jerseys pants and most of us have tour skates

my ice team just has navy helmets but most of us have matching gloves

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my ice team all has 5000 navy buckets, ccm navy and gold gloves, ccm navy pants, we have to use clear tape on our socks, all white laces, matching bags and jersey bags, all have team stickers on our buckets, all have white knobs on our stick wtih out numbers in black

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All are players on are travel team have 6k gloves 8k pants 7k bag 8k helmet all black and about half the team is ordering the 8k skates. Its pretty cool We got it for extremly cheap to.

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When it comes to beer league ice hockey, is matching looked down upon? I sometimes think I get negi vibes due to having matching gloves.

I know for serious hockey matching helps unify a team, but for beer league perhaps it achieves the opposite?

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Your whole beer league team has matching gloves? Or you personally just have gloves that match your unis?

I guess it doesn't really matter either way. I know I'm gonna sound like everyone's mom here, but if you guys like it who cares what other people think. As long as you can back it up on the ice they won't have sh*t to say afterwards anyway.

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Your whole beer league team has matching gloves? Or you personally just have gloves that match your unis?

I guess it doesn't really matter either way. I know I'm gonna sound like everyone's mom here, but if you guys like it who cares what other people think. As long as you can back it up on the ice they won't have sh*t to say afterwards anyway.

Me and a handful of other guys but not quite the whole team. Its the whole back it up thing... do you have to be amazing to sport this stuff???

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