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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Warranty period

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So i sent in my broken Si-core and it arrived at Easton Canada (tracking number confirmed this with a signature) on thurs the 16. Now, usually i've had my sticks back almost instantly, but i knew this one would probably take a little longer, and i had been told to expect a phone call from easton. Its been over a week, and i haven't even received so much as an email from them. Is this normal? Or are they just super busy and low on stock?

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Well, my stick arrived today. Didn't quite receive anything comparable to the si-core. What came was last years ST, in 110 flex. I play D, so 110 is manageable, but i'm definitely not pleased.

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I sent them a 100 flex Si-core. I've had an ST before, was really happy with it, but theres no reason that i should've received one as a warranty, specially in a different flex.

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chances are that they probably dont have stock.. it took about 1 week before i called them once and it turned out that they didnt have any stock so i went with a different pattern

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I thought stock might've been a problem, never woulda thought that i had to call them. Well, i'm broke an ST just recently so i'm gonna send that in, I'll make sure to call them, ask for a CNT Stealth.

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I thought stock might've been a problem, never woulda thought that i had to call them. Well, i'm broke an ST just recently so i'm gonna send that in, I'll make sure to call them, ask for a CNT Stealth.

Easton will not send you a stick that worth more than the one your sending in.

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Even though they'll send back a stick thats worth less then the one i sent in? My comment was a joke, but my buddy did just receive a stealth in replacement of his SL, so it all depends on stock.

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Even though they'll send back a stick thats worth less then the one i sent in? My comment was a joke, but my buddy did just receive a stealth in replacement of his SL, so it all depends on stock.

Well I guess Im wrong on that one then.

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