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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best socks for USA swift jersey

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No one knows? I'd prefer to take some horizontal stripe or solid navy, just don't know which ones would match well with the jersey. Haven't been able to find the Olympic socks themselves either (not like I want them anyway!)

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I've searched on google with no luck. Obviously I can find solid colored socks, but I have no idea if any particular color would match the USA navy very well. If someone has the CCM Navy solids, let me know if you think they match the USA jersey pics.

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Thats tough. I would take it to a LHS and compare it. I tried to match my jersey with my socks and did a bad job.. I could have easily fixed it by taking my jersey to my lhs.

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Solid navy will look the same as the vertical striped socks from every angle except the front. Should be easy to find them everywhere.

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I've searched on google with no luck. Obviously I can find solid colored socks, but I have no idea if any particular color would match the USA navy very well. If someone has the CCM Navy solids, let me know if you think they match the USA jersey pics.


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Good call -- the columbus navy looks right on, but the red might be too bright. My wife just ordered the columbus white socks last week so I should be able to compare the red to the USA jersey here shortly.

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I don't know if it would. I wish I had an LHS to go to and compare... :(

No hockey shops in Olympia???? Sounds like a business opportunity. ;)

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I don't know if it would.  I wish I had an LHS to go to and compare... :(

No hockey shops in Olympia???? Sounds like a business opportunity. ;)

No rinks in Olympia either... :(

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