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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  Hobbes_86 said:
  kenneth said:
where are you finding the bauer rockers ?
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I found some rocker chassis really cheap here:

PhilBricks Hockey

I dont know how they rate but for $16 total including shipping I figured why not toss them on an old boot and try them out myself.

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thanks Hobbs just ordered 2, how long did it take for them to arrive?

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They're the ones i've got, I would've ordered a couple spare sets for the future, but i'm gutted they only have the smalls left. :angry:

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  kenneth said:
  Hobbes_86 said:
  kenneth said:
where are you finding the bauer rockers ?
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I found some rocker chassis really cheap here:

PhilBricks Hockey

I dont know how they rate but for $16 total including shipping I figured why not toss them on an old boot and try them out myself.

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thanks Hobbs just ordered 2, how long did it take for them to arrive?

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I got them in about 4 business days. Normal shipping to Michigan.

Steve66-are you talking about the Sherwoods or Tuuks? I have an extra set of Tuuks.

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Are these all aluminum or are they plastic and aluminum? I do not know much about the different models, but I understand that some are cheaper than others. For 9.99 each I bought a few and figured I could not lose.


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  gman said:
Are these all aluminum or are they plastic and aluminum?  I do not know much about the different models, but I understand that some are cheaper than others.  For 9.99 each I bought a few and figured I could not lose.


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The main frame is aluminum but the pivoting section for the two middle wheels is plastic. I brought mine to have them mounted but haven't got them back yet. Can't wait to try them! I bought an extra pair for spare parts.

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I had a skate on the Rockers with four 76mm wheels at the outdoor rink, and I liked how they felt similar to ice blades when turning and maneuvering. The previous frame on this CCM RH750 boot was the original Pro-lite 500 (Sure-grip) with four 76mm wheels on as short a wheelbase as is possible.

However, when I skate straight ahead, the front wheel lands before the others unless I really force my toe up, making it feel awkward and not the same as my ice skates at all. The wheelbase is longer than my other frame and the pitch is a bit backward. Instead of having some kind of spacer installed between the heel and the frame, I'm going to try an 80mm wheel in the rear and a 72mm wheel in the front with two 76mm wheels in the middle. It should give around the same rocker as four 76mm wheels overall but with more of a forward pitch. The 80mm fits in the rear after filing off about 1mm inside of the frame. If weather permits, I'll try this setup this weekend.

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Here's a little update on my TUUK Rocker chassis. I've recently had them installed on a pair of CCM 652 '03 boots. I ended up using 72-76-72-76 front to back and added a 3mm lift on the heel so that the pitch is closer to an ice blade.

I play on a surface of painted asphalt so wheel wear is not so bad. Whatever little wear I do get is more on the 2 rear wheels so I just rotate them with the front 2 wheels occasionally.

Being an ice hockey player, I love the feel of it compared to a regular 4-on-the-floor chassis. I can turn on a dime and more easily out-maneuver other players than I used to. And for some reason, I feel I have more control when stopping.

Straight line stability at high speed is not really much of an issue either. I guess that since there's more space between the 2 middle wheels than a conventional chassis, even though you're usually riding on 3 wheels, they span enough distance to provide sufficient stability.

Of course your mileage may vary, but for me this chassis is a keeper. Here's what it looks like:

Picture of my CCM 652 '03 with TUUK Rocker Chassis

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