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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cup Check!

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not to be confused with the sick ass story of the ohio guy drinking pee, but a different kind of cup. The ol' nut cup. I wear a hockey joc like many of you, but it might be my roller hockey roots, but I can't find a good cup to sit nicely while I skate. Lately when I skate it'll shift or feels uncomfortable. It affects the way i'm skating and I've played without one for a while now, I'm only asking for trouble if I don't wear one, so what kind protects the best, while not f**kng up my skating due to discomfort.

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I was going to say that you should try using a smaller cup... :lol:

But yeah, try going old school and use an athletic supporter. I used to use one and never had problems with it shifting.

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i would but where would your head fit?

i'll try it, lately, I've perfected the glove shift. Where when a opposing player winds up, the glove shifts over to protect the jewels. I'll try the supporter, has anyone used the Shock Doctor cups?

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a kid on my team loves his compression short version

although, we make fun of him cause you get a huge bulge from the giant cup

but it wont shift cause its like wearing sliding shorts

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Man my cup sucks, i have tried smaller ones but they crush my jewels (couldnt think of another way to put it), but the larger sizeis too wide at the top and my balls hang out anyway, useless

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has anyone used the Shock Doctor cups?

I've used both the loose and compression versions and both are really good. I never noticed either while skating. Given the choice, I prefer the compression version though. It stays put a little better and has come in handy a couple of times when morons got cheap with their sticks.

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Shock Doctor cups are excellent. I have the one with the compression shorts and its super comfortable. No shifting at all. Haven't taken one to the coconuts yet (knock on wood)!

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Bike banana cup

Good call ... the Bike brand have this rubber soft material around the edge of the cup instead of the plastic that always digs in ..

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Shock Doctor Compression... its great because the cup isn't actually pulled tightly against you like in most traditional cups so you don't even know you're wearing it, but its in a position so that it wont shift out of place

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For Inline you should try the Thorax girdle! I tryed mine out the first time yesterday, (I took out the padding off the back of the legs and the caps off the hips) but I couldn't feel anything different than nomally wearing nothing! OH yeah it also has a built in cup and cup holder! Very much worth a look! Great inline product, maybe not so much Ice though!

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i got absolutely nailed in the junk last night by a stick on the follow through of a shot. my yellow itech keeps things in place nicely, but it smelled so terribly disgusting i couldn't bring myself to put it on, so i was wearing the black itech compression shorts which don't keep the cup in place as well. so it was pretty damn painful.

i'm a fan of the yellow itech or similar supporters over the compression shorts...but i guess it probably just depends on how they fit you...

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I found that the Shock Doctor compression short with the Bike banana cup works best for me.

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Yeah.. tried that Shock Doctor thing. Couldn't get used to it. It just tended to sit on TOP as opposed to cupping everything inside/underneath. Not comfortable at all. The WSI versions of the same thing seem to sit better. I actually prefer the WSI ones with the cup pocket that sorta hangs loose INSIDE the garment as opposed to slipping into a sleeve on the outside. Just tends to seem like it "cups" more as opposed to sitting on top and smashing. Plus having to do the "jiggle" every two strides made for not much fun.



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I have tried several different cups. I also hate the ones that move around alot. Shock Doctor loose fit are nice move around to much for my liking. Shock Doctor/Itech or simular compression type jock combos I find that the cup does not sit in position that I find comfy. I hate the Shock Doctor garter system, much prefer the Itech.

I currently use a regular jock and support with Itech Pro Lycra on top of them. I find this to be the best option to stop the cup from moving around and be in a comfy position. Allows me to place the cup where I want, the Pro Lycra is a snug fit to hold it in position. This to me is the best combo.

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