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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest easton10

Seen the new CCM Vector 10 For sale.

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I guess my leanings are little more traditional, as I currently use the Bauer Supreme 8090 and love the plain black color. These Vector's seem a little busy with it's design and color schemes.

I'm sure they are a great skate none the less.

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Guest easton10
I guess my leanings are little more traditional, as I currently use the Bauer Supreme 8090 and love the plain black color. These Vector's seem a little busy with it's design and color schemes.

I'm sure they are a great skate none the less.

As so do I.

Bauer 8090, I have had them for about 4 monhts.

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You have great taste :D

I've had mine for approx. a month. Was able to swing a great deal from a LHS (Toronto) that was clearing out their remaining inventory.

Picked them up for $229 CDN plus tax.

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Guest easton10
You have great taste :D

I've had mine for approx. a month. Was able to swing a great deal from a LHS (Toronto) that was clearing out their remaining inventory.

Picked them up for $229 CDN plus tax.

Lucky dog, $349.00US

Great skate, Just having some Holder steel issues.

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I haven't had an issue yet, and I hope I never do.

Easton10 did your 8090's come with the LS1's or LS2's blades. The reason for my question is because the pair I purhased came with LS1's which kind has me thinking that the 8090's I purchased are an 04 model and not an 05.

If memory serves me correct the 05 8090's came with the LS2 blades?

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Guest easton10
I haven't had an issue yet, and I hope I never do.

Easton10 did your 8090's come with the LS1's or LS2's blades. The reason for my question is because the pair I purhased came with LS1's which kind has me thinking that the 8090's I purchased are an 04 model and not an 05.

If memory serves me correct the 05 8090's came with the LS2 blades?

It's the LS 2 holder and steel.. I posted a thread called Technical skate question. Check it out.

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en contrare mon frere if you get the chance you could get a demo pair at at lhs

my friend got lucky at the right time and got vector 10.0's he loves 'em and his came with white t-blades with chrome runners

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Read carefully:

" For prices too low to advertise....Call 1-800-828-7496 for price

Order now for May Delivery"

May Delivery??? That's late. I'm suspose to get mine Mar 15th.

BTW, it's not that prices are too low to advertise, it's that they are prohibited from advertising a price on those skates.

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I'm not sure what to think of that thing on the heel where you can put your number on by blacking out some of the lines, I guess it'd be cool if you were in pee wee......

at least, i think that's what that is, correct me if i'm wrong

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so what doesnt mean you have to do it if you were to get the skates

and what do you think, people gunna make fun of you for havin your number on your skates, you have it on your jersey

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six people on my team have the same skates if they got tossed into a pile no one would whos was whos w/out lookin at sizes so it may come in handy

its an innovation in the biz

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no idea what the material is the grey part is really hard but the blue kinda feels like leather probably just pleather

Just leather, real leather.

Most of the manufacturers this year have some "blue" in their skates. Must have done focus groups to show that as an appealing color. Still, plain ol black rules. I vote the 9k as the sweetest looking skate and the 190 as the fugliest.

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no idea what the material is the grey part is really hard but the blue kinda feels like leather probably just pleather

Just leather, real leather.

Most of the manufacturers this year have some "blue" in their skates. Must have done focus groups to show that as an appealing color. Still, plain ol black rules. I vote the 9k as the sweetest looking skate and the 190 as the fugliest.

Yeah, th 9K:s are very nice looking!

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