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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest easton10

Seen the new CCM Vector 10 For sale.

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the blue color on those skates are uggggly

Take a look at the Vector 8.0s i bet you'd like them better B)

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I wonder what the difference between the 10 and 8 is besides the 10 is blue. I don't read Swedish so the '06 catalog isn't very helpful.

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The new vector skates look sooo cheap, I saw then today. I liked the old ones way better.

What? They are basically the same skate with new color scheme. Same old Vectors, blue leather, chevrons in the metal mesh. Not "cheap", just a different look high quality skate. Some minor changes, but not much different than the orig.

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The new vector skates look sooo cheap, I saw then today. I liked the old ones way better.

What? They are basically the same skate with new color scheme. Same old Vectors, blue leather, chevrons in the metal mesh. Not "cheap", just a different look high quality skate. Some minor changes, but not much different than the orig.

THey look cheap like the 8k's do.

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You have great taste  :D

I've had mine for approx. a month.  Was able to swing a great deal from a LHS (Toronto) that was clearing out their remaining inventory.

Picked them up for $229 CDN plus tax.

Lucky dog, $349.00US

Great skate, Just having some Holder steel issues.

Steel problems in a Bauer. I put lightspeed holders on my Vector Pro's with solid blades for the strength. I now wear Synergy 1300's($329 new with shipping) and the holder's and blades feel as good as the Bauers.

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Yes I8z8tr I have a pair of 1300's as well. They must be the best kept secret around because they feel ominous on the ice and yet no one seems to realize it. I'd take them over Bauers anytime the their Razor Blade 11's aren't too bad at all.

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The new vector skates look sooo cheap, I saw then today. I liked the old ones way better.

What? They are basically the same skate with new color scheme. Same old Vectors, blue leather, chevrons in the metal mesh. Not "cheap", just a different look high quality skate. Some minor changes, but not much different than the orig.

Vectors over Vapors anytime!!!!

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