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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockeymonckey.com (and CCM)

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If you had to buy something would you still got HM or would you choose another shop? Cause I'd like to buy at a good shop, i've seen a few on the internet and the one who stand out are HockeyMonkey, HockeyGiant and GiantSkate looks nice too. Lots of products and nice prices.

Unless you're MILES away from your LHS, I would suggest you spend your money at your LHS. I understand there are differences in prices, sometimes significant and sometimes $5, but we all need the LHS to stay in business.

It's hard to sharpen skates with a knife sharpener.... :)

Well I'm about a half hour away from my LHS on my bike, tops 15 minutes with the car. The problem is, that shop is about 10 square feet, if you already make that. You can choose between.. well almost nothing. And they are very expensive too.

First time I bought my gear there (about 3 years ago) I bought shoulder pads who are to big, because there wasn't another size for me that fitted. My skates are 0,5 size to big and a size to narrow because of the lack of knownledge I guess at the shop, now one told me about fitting skates let alone different wides... the lenght felt good (like I was buying shoes), but now my feet hurt like hell because of the narrow skate (felt decent when I bought 'em though.. but not anymore :P)

And I can tell you another bunch of stories but that isn't really interesting, what it comes down to is that I never buy there again, expect for some stick tape maybe.

The next big hockey shop is probably in Belgium or something, maybe Germany. But that's too much to travel on my bicycle. And it will cost my probably more than if I buy online.

So that's why I'm getting my gear out of Canada/America (depends on the shop :P), really just because of the prices and a lot more products to choose from.

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hockey monkey/hawk hockey is my LHS. they're really cool and helpful. but the people you guys would be dealing with are the customer service reps and not the workers in the store. sorry to hear about your troubles with them.

and isn't it risky to buy another pair and hope that they'll refund the money for your old skates? what if they screw you and say that the damage isn't their fault and they don't give you back your money? they should've just given you your money back first and then given you credit for new skates.

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my bro tried to order Vapor 14 skates at hockey monkey. they didnt have his size so they gave him vapor 20s for $50 off

sounds pretty goood to me because they called him the same day he ordered it online

hockey giant is very good. u can get new skates that u order form them sharpened

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I had a very bad experience with Inlinewarehouse.com. They charged my credit card $300 and never sent me anything. It was five years ago and i never got the money back.

Stay away!

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my bro tried to order Vapor 14 skates at hockey monkey. they didnt have his size so they gave him vapor 20s for $50 off

sounds pretty goood to me because they called him the same day he ordered it online

hockey giant is very good. u can get new skates that u order form them sharpened

search for one of the threads where someone got their new skates sharpened by hockeygiant and had them shipped. it was pretty funny...

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I had a very bad experience with Inlinewarehouse.com. They charged my credit card $300 and never sent me anything. It was five years ago and i never got the money back.

Stay away!

You should file a fraud protection claim...

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Bucky, i was actually down in the Wausau area not too long ago, playing in Mosinee actually. Dunbar is at the junction of Highway 8 and 141. I'm about 30 minutes from Iron Mountain, MI and maybe 2-3 hours from Green Bay, WI. Right now I play for my College (Northland Baptist Bible College), the Eagle River Falcons (a GLHL team), and with the Iron Mountain Vets, a beer league team. All three teams are travel, and I so I wind up doing a fair amount of travel. But it's a lotta fun, and I get a lot (maybe too much) ice time. Who do you play for?

I actually kind of know where that is. Its not hell, but you can see it from there.

Ever make it down to the milwaukee area? i can hook you up with a very reputable, knowledgable shop in the area if youre interested

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lol so true! we are pretty much in the middle of nowhere. And while there is hockey in Iron Mountain, most of the guys are older guys that are like "I haven't sharpened my skates in 2 years and I'm proud of it, but look at this old rusty stone, works great." I'm not dissing them they have a wealth of knowledge, but honestly when I'm on the road (our college played in Osh Kosh last weekend) it's hard to find a decent pro last-minute. The other type of players in Iron Mountain (and maybe the whole U.P.) are high school kids that can go to the pro shops at like 3:30 as soon as they get out of school. Most of the pro shops close at 4:30, MAYBE as late as 5. Which is bad for a college student who's too busy to begin with.

I don't usually get all the way down 141 to Milwaukee (although I play for the Eagle River Falcons, and they used to go down to Milwakee to play against the Milwaukee Flyers I think? They were a GLHL team anyways, but they went under last season). So I can't see myself stopping in, but you never know, what is the name of the place? I usually get up to Houghton or Calumet more often, and I stop in at Center Ice Pro Shop there.

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my bro tried to order Vapor 14 skates at hockey monkey.  they didnt have his size so they gave him vapor 20s for $50 off

sounds pretty goood to me because they called him the same day he ordered it online

hockey giant is very good.  u can get new skates that u order form them sharpened

search for one of the threads where someone got their new skates sharpened by hockeygiant and had them shipped. it was pretty funny...

hey yippers, i'm not finding that thread, could you give me a link?

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My said story is about CCM Externo Outcasts that arrived from the Monkey with a bent frame. Monkey's position was that anything CCM had to be sent to from me--monkey---CCM who would then decide if a warranty pair would be issued. My rebuttal was that sending me a bent pair had nothing to do with CCM but everything to do with the Monkey. It took them 6 months to get back to me. I had left several emails and phone calls over the span of several months. Finally I was told that there were many negative feedacks with the "old" customer service girl. "New" girl told me that old girl did not submit many warranty claims and that she did not file my claim to CCM to "get back" at her employers at the Monkey and had been authorized at any time to send me a new pair for my defective old ones "New" girl went on to send the replacements to me 2 in days.

Second if you notice that Monkey has real time stock inventory on their clearance stuff you can thank me and countless others for going ape-shit on the Monkey for taking my money and then not calling me for 1 week when my items did not arrive that the items in question were not in stock.

AVOID AVOID AVOID----give your hard earned dollars to Damon at Epuck, Jason at East-West hockey(who was willing to ship a brand new pair of Eagles when FEDEX attempted to lose my 1st pair no questions asked), InlineWarehouse, your LHS

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I just spent some time at inlinewarehouse with the fine gents who own the place. I got a real eye opener during our conversations. Their place is absolutely spotless and immaculately organized. They explained to me that their biggest concern/fear is defective products causing customer returns. They told me stories of folks sending back stuff because a lable was bent on the box, or a tag on a garment had a corner torn out. I cannot believe people would do that to them.

The products were perfect, but it is piddley-assed little shit like that costs them money. I certainly cannot condone any of the actions by other suppliers mentioned in previous posts, but I can understand the frustration now of the mailorder warehouses. I can honestlysay that I will try never to spend a dime on hockey stuff anywhere other than Inlinewarehouse. If they do not have what I want, and cannot get it, I will go to E-puck. I have also had great satisfaction from e-puck. Inlinewarehouse and E-puck have nearly identical prices so I will keep my money "local" at IW.

As far as the previous post about losing $300 to IW, I don't know what to say about that. I have contacted my credit card companies on similar stuff, and the credit card company takes care of it all.

Go Inlinewarehouse and go E-Puck!!!

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my bro tried to order Vapor 14 skates at hockey monkey.  they didnt have his size so they gave him vapor 20s for $50 off

sounds pretty goood to me because they called him the same day he ordered it online

hockey giant is very good.  u can get new skates that u order form them sharpened

search for one of the threads where someone got their new skates sharpened by hockeygiant and had them shipped. it was pretty funny...

hey yippers, i'm not finding that thread, could you give me a link?


it's from a while ago. for some reason i thought it was from two weeks ago :P

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That is amazing! What a crappy sharpening job. That thread and hopefully this thread I can only hope will only improve their service. I hope big online shops will realize they only stand to gain by listening to guys like us who make hockey a passion, une mode de vie, to say. Like we care about knowledgeable service and performance.

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Hockeymonkey is probably the worst place you can order from...

First time I ordered a Team set of pants, this was back in July of 2004, All Green, they said that they had All Larges and I said it was fine, I ordered 25 pairs, When it got to my house, every single one was a small. They said they sent out the wrong order... And someone else was suppose to get the small. It took them until the end of my team's season to get me the Large pants, and They took the smalls back.

2nd time...

in December I ordered a pair of Mission pants, the White/silver 750 pants, They said they had them in Stock and they had a medium. They called me to verify the order and just to check that I was in Canada and to make sure everything is Right. so when I got the order, It was a Small Black/Silver pant, I called them and they said that they were sold out, and there was nothing they could do. I told them I wanted to return it and they said they would ship out a shipping credit so i wouldn't have to pay for the shipping. Its now March, I've called about 7 times and they have told me every time that they are going to send out the shipping credit...

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Does anyone else out there with t'blades have a problem with longevity of the holders? Cause this is what happened to my brand new t'blade holders after 90 minutes of easy skating:


I don't think that this is normal, I'm hoping that there was only a (hopefully rare!) defect in manufacturing. But has anyone out there experienced problems with t'blade holders breaking after the first skate? Or any such problem?

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No, I've had my t'blades for two years without any problems to the holders. That looks like a manufacturing defect; they're rare but they occur.

So, Mr T blade, are you saying that manufacturing defects are possible with Tblades? Hmmm.

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GGGGGGGGRRRHHHAHAHA! I thought that this nightmare was about to be over, as I that second set was in the mail last Wednsday. But alas, it has only begun! I have no clue what to do now, they're telling me that I was not authorized to place a "new order" but rather I had to make a "temp charge" or something like that on the original order. Unfortunatly, that doesn't seem very intuitive to me, and I was never communicated their process until NOW, which is a WEEK AFTER. I only put in a "new order" b/c they said that I would have to purchase a second set with my CC, why else would I want to do such a thing??? Now they want my Credit Card for a "temp charge" for a third set!! Even though the ones that I purchased are in the mail?!??! And the ones that are in the mail have NOTHING to do with their returns process. Anyone out there know if I can talk to CCM directly b/c the retailer I'm dealing with is totally jerking me around? Like right now I have NO SKATES to skate on, my team is leaving on Friday morning for a road trip through Minnisota, and they want to have 3 skates charged to my CC. This seems a LITTLE screwed up to me.

I'm going to put my record of emails in here to let you know how they're treating a customer that is quite honestly REALLY anxious and wanting to have skates to skate on.

HockeyMonkey Returns Dept. to me    Mar 1 (6 days ago)

We attempted to charge the credit card on file and it comes back declined, even when trying to only charge 249.99.  We phoned the number you listed but it only rings.  We can not send out the skates without a charge, so we will have to wait until you contact us regarding the credit card information.

Thank you,

Hockeymonkey Returns

Reply Forward Invite HockeyMonkey to Gmail


Gavin Rogers  to HockeyMonkey    Mar 2 (5 days ago)

That's alright, this is getting really screwed up and I'm willing to

settle for the ZG120s, so I ordered them from your site this morning and

they went through. Once they come in the mail I will package up the 130s

and send them back to you for refund as the helpful agent I spoke with

(Sherry (sp?)) said we could do.

I really would have liked to had the ZG130s but this is really horrible

service and I'm not sure how to get around it without raising my credit

limit (which I'm not personally comfortable with). I guess that if you

don't care, I won't either and I can settle with skating on ZG120s until

I find people that give me good enough service to warrant purchasing

good skates on.

Speaking of which, I thought that CCM more or less guaranteed the level

of service that their companies provide. I have purchased CCM all my

life, as has my father and his father. And on the Warranty information

card included in the box that YOU sent me, it states that The Company

"Guarantees each pair of boots against defects in material and

workmanship under NORMAL USE (note: srimmaging for 90 minutes with my

team is considered normal use) for a period of 90 days from the date of

purchase... guarantees your skate blades against defects in material and

workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase."  It

further states "Should any skates appear to be defective, they must be

returned to the dealer from whom the product was purchased with the bill

of sale."

Have you ever bothered to read that warantee? Do you, as a retailer,

uphold that warranty? I only wonder because when I first spoke with your

warranty department, I spoke with a lady name Sherry who was very

helpful in understanding how I would be able to get my warranty, but she

was VERY insistent that I do not skate in my new skates on Friday, as

though that would somehow void my warranty. Is using the skates for 2

skates in 3 days considered voiding my warranty? I have been using my

old skates in the meanwhile FOR FEAR THAT I SHOULD void my warranty.

This greatly distresses me. I am very interested to find out how I might

void my warranty.

Of course this is all water under the bridge, as I have already

conceeded to your demands and bought the ZG120s with my own money.

However, it might not be water under the bridge for you guys, as many

people that I communicate have read about/heard about from word of mouth

this incident. For instance, I'm a member of modsquadhockey.com, and we

are currently discussing the merits of buying from hockeymonkey.com

right now in fact:


I find it telling that already 700 people have read that discussion, and

it has only been posted for less than 24 hours. I'm only saying that

customers can tell the difference between treated like criminals and

being treated like people that want to play hockey.

I want to play hockey, so lets get me some skates eh?



HockeyMonkey Returns Dept.  to me      Mar 3 (4 days ago)


Your helpful agent Sherri, did not authorize a refund on your skates.  We

here at Hockeymonkey are very surprised that an upstanding young man as

yourself, would resort to posting inaccurate information about how your

order was handled.  As long as it makes you look important to your friends,

because after all appearances are everything to the miss-guided.  We will

monitor your comments and compare them to our records, as we keep step by

step copies of all transactions, for instances just as this.  Please keep in

mind that slanderous postings placed on the internet is an illegal offense.

If you have any concerns, we suggest you contact us directly.

Thank you,

Hockeymonkey Management

Gavin Rogers  to HockeyMonkey    Mar 3 (4 days ago)

Dear Hockeymonkey management,

I know that Sherri did not authorize a refund. She stated very tersly

that the only way I could hope to get a refund would be by purchasing a

new pair and then sending the first pair back, in the hopes that they

would be refunded. That much was clear and I'm grateful that she

communicated your policies well.

I'm simply saying that if those are your policies and that is the manner

in which you administrate your policies, most customers and not going to

be satisfied with your level of service. By purchasing a second pair of

skates, according to her demands, I am actually submitting to your

process for warranty returns. I'm just saying that your process seems

very sub-par.

No hostility meant, and I don't want any hostility. I'm just a little

dissapointed, that's all. I only want professionalism and service


Please realize that we at modsquadhockey discuss every detail of our

hockey lives, from the way we put on our gear to the way we purchase new

skates. So please don't be offended/threatened by the fact that I have

friends online as well as teammates and that I do indeed discuss such

things as buying new skates with my friends. You seem to be very

astonished that I would post such a thing on the internet. If you would

like to point out a single posting of slanderous nature, I would

apologize, as I don't want to be slanderous at all. I will correct any

slanderous statements, if any have been posted.



Gavin Rogers  to HockeyMonkey    Mar 6 (19 hours ago)

To whom it may concern,

I am interested in getting a refund on my skates. While I understand that you have to get the skates back first, I am currently waiting for my second pair to arrive before I return the first one.

I spoke with a returns agent named Sherri and she asked me if I could send her a picture of the broken holder. Unfortunatly, I have a limit as to the size of attachments on my emails, but I was finally able to post a picture of the problem on the internet:


I just thought that if she wanted to look at a picture, I could get one up one way or another.




HockeyMonkey Returns Dept.  to me    More options  Mar 6 (18 hours ago)

The skates you are sending back are awaiting a warranty claim.  It is up to the manufacture to accept or deny the claim.  Usually if the issue is in the blade or holder, the skate is repaired.  A refund is not an option for a warranty claim, only a repair or replacement of the same skate model and size.

Hockeymonkey Returns



Gavin Rogers  to HockeyMonkey      Mar 6 (17 hours ago)

What I asked when I first asked was whether or not a replacement would

be possible. The lady I spoke with told me that I should rather order

another pair so that it would come in in time for the last games of the

season (obvious VERY important), and that I could return the defective

pair for a refund.

She was very clear to me that that was my only option if I wanted a pair

of skates before our road trip (we are leaving for the Twin Cities and

Duluth MN on Friday). Of course, that is my MAIN priority right now, so

I took it. Could we clarify WHY she told me this if it is not an option?

1) Is there a pair of skates in the mail? I don't care what model or

anything, I just need something to skate on.

2) If there are no skates in the mail, then what do I do here? I spoke

with one of your agents last Wed. as soon as I knew of the defect in the

holder. What do you suggest at this point?

Courteously and anxiously,


HockeyMonkey Returns Dept.  to me      Mar 6 (16 hours ago)

What had been proposed to you was not a new order, but a temporary charge

and a replacement for the identical skate.  We were working with you in

order to expedite the warranty claim, but your credit card would not allow

the 249.99 charge.  Your paperwork and replacement skates are still in the

shipping department awaiting updated credit card information.  We were not

aware that you placed a new order. That is something you pursued on your own

and has nothing to do with this order and warranty claim.  You seem to have

miss-understood the procedure as the options are very limited when a

warranty claim is involved.  If the credit card would have processed your

skates would have been arriving this week.  At this point we will have to

wait to receive your original skates and process the claim accordingly.

Hockeymonkey Returns


Gavin Rogers  to HockeyMonkey    Mar 6 (16 hours ago)

Could you check for me? Your site has no package tracking whatsoever and

I have really no clue as to what is going on. I have an order number:


This is becoming frusterating, as when I spoke with Sherri she told me

that I once I "get a new credit card or fix my credit problem, call back

and a sales agent will be happy to process that for you." That is

basically verbatim what she said to me and I don't know why now that is

"something that you persued on your own" now. Ordered the second set

with my own money as per her instructions. She said that it would be

impossible to send out a second set on waranty. So yes, I was doing my

own thing but only because she told me to.



At this point they stopped emailing and called me to tell me I have 2 choices: put a new "temp charge" on my CC NOW or LATER. I'm really really failing to see the logic in all of this. What do I do? If I call them back, they're just going to have my ultimatum. Is there ANY WAY I can get a pair of skates to play on before friday??

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If you're not happy with them, don't use them again. And.. there is certainly nothing 'slanderous' about stating the facts of your dealings with them. That's a 'cheap shot' on their part!

I can second the previous posters and highly recommend using Icewarehouse.com (or Inlinewarehouse.com - same site) as my experiences have been nothing short of amazing!!

I placed an order for a shaft and it arrived in under a week, same with the gloves I then ordered too. Both were top-of-the-range products and even with freight ended up being 50% of the price I would have paid here in Australia. They also ship by USPS which is a lot cheaper than UPS etc that some of the others use and keeps the cost down for us overseas buyers.

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This passing the buck from Monkey to CCM is exactly the same run around that I got. It took them half a year to get me my replacement skates that could only come if "CCM AUTHORIZED THEM ONCE THEY RECEIVED THEN SHIPPED TO CCM MY DEFECTIVE SKATES." What they did not admit to was that for 6 months they did no submit my skates for credit because THEIR service rep did not bother to do so.

This is passing the buck, non responsiblity BS that is so prevelant in our society. Hide behind enough red tape and internal company policies that the consumer will tire trying to take on this juggarneaut to get the right/proper working skates they ordered.

HOCKEY MONKEY is scandolous.

I would ship back their skates with tracking and signatue confirmation, call my credit card and get the charge reversed, put on my teams colors and cheer my lungs out for my guys, knowing that I had learned a valuable lesson

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WOOOAH Guys I totally stuffed up.

I was ripped off by www.inlinesports.com not inlinewarehouse.com

Inlinewarehouse are actually awesome and are the site I get my gear from now.

I can't believe I made that mistake! I should have known that something was up when I wouldn't find the fraud case I had filed against them with www.bbb.org

Inlinesports.com is the one to stay away from. Just check out the BBB file on them!

For the record, Inlinewarehouse has a perfect record with the BBB.

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WOOOAH Guys I totally stuffed up.

I was ripped off by www.inlinesports.com not inlinewarehouse.com

Inlinewarehouse are actually awesome and are the site I get my gear from now.

I can't believe I made that mistake! I should have known that something was up when I wouldn't find the fraud case I had filed against them with www.bbb.org

Inlinesports.com is the one to stay away from. Just check out the BBB file on them!

For the record, Inlinewarehouse has a perfect record with the BBB.

I am really glad to hear that. Inlinewarehouse absolutely ROCKS!!

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