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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockeymonckey.com (and CCM)

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Question? lol what is slandering? I thought you were allowed to say whatever you want (as long as you arent blatenly lieing) do to that old thing you know? "freedom of speech". Im almost positive he never said anything but what the problem was. Can anyone tell me what the problem there having is, and if they can actually do anything about it?

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Slander=defamation in oral form

If you slander a person or a company you can be taken to court. If what you said is true, then you'll be alright. If the other side can prove that you slandered them then you can be forced to pay damages.

The correct term for this case is libel=defamation in written form. However, hockeymonkey is just using scare tactics. Since gavin has proof of what has happened it would be difficult for hockeymonkey to argue that libel has occured

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I spent tons of money with both epuck.com and inlinewarehouse.com and have never had problems with either. Epuck even sends me email asking me how I like the gear I purchased and if i had questions or concerns. (awesome service!)

I have ordered lots from hockeygiant.com also and have never had any problems with them either. I've even sent back skates with no questions asked.

I have ordered from hockeymonkey.com in the past as well and have had no problems with them, but I haven't ever had to deal with their customer service dept.

But if I vote for the best C.S., I'd say epuck rocks!

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They graded hockeygiant with an F because of unanswered complaints. That's weird.

Since this thread is about HockeyMonkey, they aren't rated any better.

It didn't shock me that this one came up pretty decent, despite everyone's complaints about their sticks. They are also listed here.

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Thank you DaveTheWave for the BBB idea. I guess maybe from now one I should consult that first. Maybe when you're young and carefree, you are too gullible to think that anyone out there (especially with a nice website) could be shady like this.

Man I feel stupid. But a lesson learned. It just might be a really really expensive lesson :( I hope not.

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I read all your emails to them and I thought you were courteous and fair. I agree that they screwed you. I also don't like their answer about your info from MSH. When an online shop or LHS acts like that, MSHers need to know to help each other out before another one of us gets ripped off by the same outfit. For every guy like yourself who gets screwed and let others know about it, there are 100 who got screwed who don't bother to get the info out there. I know for a lot of you guys the LHS near you may stink and the online stores are your only options. "Caveat Emptor" "Let the buyer beware"

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I just got the new pair in the mail and,

I emailed them asking what was to be done. I got an email from a guy named John Edson, telling me to call him at his earliest convenience. I did so and we talked the whole thing out. He realized very quickly that I was really told that I could order a second pair of skates and send the original pair back.

He said that the big problem is that with what I had agreed on with the agents originally, he would be able to replace the holder of the skate with CCM, but then he would be stuck with a VERY SLIGHTLY used skate. And I would get a full refund on the skate from him. I think that is MIGHT have been a problem with the lady I spoke with: she might not have realized what a "holder" was. And that the holder would be simply replaced by the CCM waranty deptartment.

He told me that it was just a problem of misscommunication on the returns people's part, and that "they were just trying to do their job." I'm now going to send the original skates back to hockeymonkey.com and when they get them back, they are going to refund the original purchase.

I'm thinking that this whole thing is because hockeymonkey.com is in SoCal: I was born/raised in Canada but I lived in SoCal for a couple years while in High School. I know for a fact that hockey is not in the culture and perhaps the customer service people just aren't living/breathing hockey like I am. Maybe that is the only reason that she promised me this return deal? Anyways, it looks like I might finally have a happy ending.

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Well let me say this: having him on board at hockeymonkey might be a very solid attempt to ship shape things up there. I certainly a much better connection explaining what the problem was to him, compared to all the other people at hockeymonkey i had spoken to previously.

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I just got the new pair in the mail and,

I emailed them asking what was to be done. I got an email from a guy named John Edson, telling me to call him at his earliest convenience. I did so and we talked the whole thing out. He realized very quickly that I was really told that I could order a second pair of skates and send the original pair back.

He said that the big problem is that with what I had agreed on with the agents originally, he would be able to replace the holder of the skate with CCM, but then he would be stuck with a VERY SLIGHTLY used skate. And I would get a full refund on the skate from him. I think that is MIGHT have been a problem with the lady I spoke with: she might not have realized what a "holder" was. And that the holder would be simply replaced by the CCM waranty deptartment.

He told me that it was just a problem of misscommunication on the returns people's part, and that "they were just trying to do their job." I'm now going to send the original skates back to hockeymonkey.com and when they get them back, they are going to refund the original purchase.

I'm thinking that this whole thing is because hockeymonkey.com is in SoCal: I was born/raised in Canada but I lived in SoCal for a couple years while in High School. I know for a fact that hockey is not in the culture and perhaps the customer service people just aren't living/breathing hockey like I am. Maybe that is the only reason that she promised me this return deal? Anyways, it looks like I might finally have a happy ending.

i think the problem is with the reps that you talked to. not all of us so cal people are that bad :lol:

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Yeah lol I know,

Like I say I lived there fore a while and I made lotsa friends. Nothing wrong with a person, even if they don't live/breath/sleep hockey.

Just there are SERIOUS cultural differences for sure. BTW I love In-N-Out Burger, would you mind sending me a meal or two? Make that three, I'll save a couple for sunday :P

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Does anyone else out there with t'blades have a problem with longevity of the holders? Cause this is what happened to my brand new t'blade holders after 90 minutes of easy skating:


I don't think that this is normal, I'm hoping that there was only a (hopefully rare!) defect in manufacturing. But has anyone out there experienced problems with t'blade holders breaking after the first skate? Or any such problem?

Well for all you who have expresses frustration with hockeymonkey, I would like to add that CCM seems to have the same attitude towards problems.

I spoke on the phone with a CCM rep who had inspected my skates and he stated in no uncertainty that this hole here is NOT the result of a manufacturer defect, and that it is normal for their products to break in such a way.

While I am not an expert, and cannot argue with his expert conclusion, I would like to say that In My Opinion, CCM puts their label on the nicest-looking, best-fitting (in my opinion) PIECES OF CRAP in the hockey business. Just my experience after skating on atop-of-the-line skate for 90 minutes and having it BREAK under use.

I'm more sad than I am angry, because I have always bought CCM, as my father did before me and as did his father before him. CCM fits me great, I have probably bought 10 pairs in my lifetime. But if it is TRUE that this is normal for CCM skates nowadays, and they do send me back this skate with the hole in the holder, I'm afraid it's over for me and CCM skates, as I need something that will last me longer than ONE PRACTICE. I can't beleive they would charge so much money for a POS. I can't believe I paid so much money for this POS. And now I have a pair in my locker room and a broken pair coming back from California. :blink:

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Oh I might as well post up the pic that they sent me of the damage, as though my picture was not sufficient:

Broken holder - I swear I'll never buy from CCM again

LOL Maybe they don't realize that I didn't take my picture, a buddy of mine on my team did. Maybe they think all my friends are incompetent as well? Can't handle these digital cameras? Don't know how to used skates without breaking them? LOL

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man that sucks for you. I've gone to hockeygiant and hockeymonkey (the retail location is called Hawk Hockey) and the staff were generally friendly and knowledgable, i guess their online service isn't up to par. I wouldn't order from them online because their shipping charges are outrageous.. and now that I read their reps are stupid, thats another reason.

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Something sounds fishy here. Holders on CCM skates have a 1-yr warranty. That certainly looks like a warranty-able defect to me. Plus, doesn't T-blade have some kind of warranty? It's their product, CCM is just reselling it.

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That sucks man. I would listen to Jimmy and try to talk to T-blade about a warranty. I am surprised that CCM couldn't help you out. I had an eblade holder on my Vectors break and CCM was able to get them replaced at my LHS. It took less than a week. Really surprises me that they won't give you a new holder.

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Ok yeah this is really really weird.

As I have posted here, John Edson of hockeymonkey told me that

1) If the damage was deemed warrantyable, he would keep them and give me a full refund (because the refund lady had told me to purchase a second pair,and I don't want to have 2 pairs)

2) If the damage was not warrantyable, he would send them back to me "as is"

I agreed with him because I figured that no man in his right mind would consider that "normal wear." Unfortunately I was very wrong: the CCM rep that John works with has informed me that this kind of breakage is not warrantyable: it is normal for CCM gear.

Of course I'm not happy, but weirdly enough John offers to put a new holder on the skate for me (which would be normal in all other holder warranty issues I imagine, except for the fact that I have a second set from the people and they agreed to refund the whole original purchase if it was found defective). So is he saying that it is defective? Like I'm wondering if actions speak louder than words... if the skate is only broken because I'm and idiot and I broke it, not because it was defective, then why is he going to replace the holder out of his own money? <_<

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Guest Muck
AVOID AVOID AVOID----give your hard earned dollars to Damon at Epuck, Jason at East-West hockey(who was willing to ship a brand new pair of Eagles when FEDEX attempted to lose my 1st pair no questions asked), InlineWarehouse, your LHS

Amen. If you have to go online, do EPuck.com and EastWestHockey.com. Both are great. There is no trade off for service. Unfortunately, if something doesn't work for you (I sent back some pants that I bought out of ignorance from the Monkey) they trap your money by severe restocking fees, and the only way to avoid those is to take a store credit. The Monkey is a piece of monkey poo IMO.

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Yeah but I want to know... should I just accept a new holder? It seems double speak to say that they are not a waranty problem but that he will replace the holder for me. I think I'm going to just tell him to send it back w/out replacing it.

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I think I'm going to just tell him to send it back w/out replacing it.

Take his money. Take the replacement skates and then sell them on ebay or here. At least get something out of this raw deal.

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No you don't understand... he promised me that if it WERE a warantee issue, he would refund me cash for the skates. Only because I had bought a second pair from them at the advice of the refund lady.

I would just take the new holder and try selling the skates, but right now I'm so pissed that he wouldn't keep his promise.

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No you don't understand... he promised me that if it WERE a warantee issue, he would refund me cash for the skates. Only because I had bought a second pair from them at the advice of the refund lady.

I would just take the new holder and try selling the skates, but right now I'm so pissed that he wouldn't keep his promise.

Okay, sorry. I did misunderstand. It just sounded like you were getting ready to give up and eat the whole cost of the bad skates. Are you saying that you would get the full refund amount? If so, take it. I would not settle for less than either a new holder installed on your skates or a full refund. Sorry if I am particularly dense, I'm at work. :( It can do that to the most lucid of minds.....

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I may have gotten lost in this but if you can just send back the old defective skates and get your money back, I say do it and move on.. you keep the 2nd pair that you purchased right? or can you just give them both skates back and them give your money back as if the transaction never happened, then never deal with them again?

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I may have gotten lost in this but if you can just send back the old defective skates and get your money back, I say do it and move on.. you keep the 2nd pair that you purchased right? or can you just give them both skates back and them give your money back as if the transaction never happened, then never deal with them again?

Yeah, what he said :D

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